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Q: Did my husband give me bacterial vaginosis by cheating?
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How can you treat excessive vaginal secretion?

Excessive vaginal discharge would be a symptom of a vaginal infection, most likely Bacterial Vaginosis, or may be an STI/STD. First you should go to your doctor or sexual health clinic to get tested, once you know what you're dealing with your doctor can give you treatment - Bacterial Vaginosis is the mmostlikely culprit, this requires antibiotics to treat.

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You may have a little imbalance in your vagina called bacterial vaginosis. If you're having symptoms of vaginal odor (fishy, especially after sex); milky thin discharge, or pelvic pain, then talk with your healthcare provder. They can give you antibiotics You can't catch bacterial vaginosis from someone else, so your partner won't need to be treated.

What would cause irritation to the outside of the urethra in a woman?

Yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. You might want to try and eat some yogurt and see if there is anything over the counter that will give you some relief.

What if you don't treat bacterial vaginosis?

Vagina has natural outlet and as such the infection usually does not become severe. But it may give rise to symptoms like burning, itching and painful sexual intercourse. It makes you more prone to get the sexually transmitted infections like HIV.

Can you give cream for vaginatis?

Bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis (yeast infection) can be treated with cream. Trichomoniasis cannot be treated with cream. There are other causes of vaginitis with various treatments. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What is the best way to confront a cheating husband?

Most cheating husbands will deny they are cheating. Be calm and either get a friend to go with you when you feel he is out cheating and follow him or, hire a detective for three or four days to be sure he truly is cheating and then you can give him solid proof you need and you will have to decide if you want to live with a cheater.

How do you get rid of recurring bacterial vaginosis?

Since BV recurrence is so common, it's first important to understand what the conditions are that create this recurrence. Many factors can contribute to this condition such as douching, extended thong panty wearing, lactose intolerance and even male ejaculate. The reason why women suffer from recurring BV after having taken antibiotics is because the antibiotics not only get rid of the bad bacteria in the vagina but also the good. One of the most effective methods to cure recurring bacterial vaginosis is herbal therapy. For example, herbal medicine"fuyan pill", which is made from natural herbs. It could driven away the recurring bacterial vaginosis with low recurrence rate.

How can you say if your husband cheating you if he is working abroad?

Give Him a harmonica before he leaves. When he gets back, before you do anything with him together, have him play you a few songs.

What do you do when you find out that your husband is cheating on you?

You should leave him because if you take him back (provided he is not staying with that other woman) it will just give him the go ahead to do it again.

Is he cheating or are they friends?

Love your question do not explain or give more details of what's going on. But if your wondering your husband or boyfriend is cheating on you because he have a female friend, just ask him. don't let it pass you and ignore it. You owe this to yourself..

Is it cheating when you find a love card in your husbands truck?

wake up. He is for sure cheating on you. ANSWER: Depends on what kind of card it was and who's name was in the card and where it came from. Or just confront your husband and ask him, things might give you a clear picture.