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yes he did

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Q: Did newton discovered that the balance between gravity and keeps the planets in the orbit?
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How do the planets orbit around the planet?

Planets orbit the sun in a counter clockwise motion, due to the balance between the Sun's gravity and the gravity of each individual planet.

How did the planets get there order?

The balance between gravity (attraction to the Sun) and orbital energy (1/2 velocity2 times mass) gives the planets their order.

Which force affects the motion of planets?

The motion of the planets are governed by a number of factors: Gravity - The planets are being pulled towards the Sun in free fall. The velocity of the planets - This balances against the force of gravity opposing it and producing on balance the orbit. The mass of the planets. The effect of gravitational attraction between the planet and any satellites it has. The effect of gravitational attraction between the planets and other planets/dwarf planets etc.

What early astronomer discovered why planets stay you their orbits?

Newton discovered this with his Universal Theory of Gravity.

What keeps the solar system in balance?

Gravity and motion. Gravity pulls the planets in and keeps them from flying away, while the velocity of the planets keeps them from being sucked in completely.

The force of gravity opposes what other force?

The force of gravity opposes acceleration away from the source of the gravity. This is expressed as "centrifugal force" or the perpendicular component of a tangential velocity. The balance between these keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

What were the two factors Isaac Newton concluded that combined to keep the planets in orbit?

1) The gravitational attraction between the planets and the Sun. 2) The "inertia" of the planets. That's their tendency to move in a straight line unless a force (gravity in this case) acts on them.

How does gravity affect the relationship between the sun and the planets?

Yes. It keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

What is the relation between Relativity Gravity and the Planets?

Relativity is a theory of gravity, and gravity governs the motion of planets. This is your answer in a nutshell. If you want a detailed answer, then I suggest you start studying general theory.

Where do the planets get gravity?

Planets have gravity because they have mass.

How does the gravity of Kepler compare to the gravity on earth?

There is no single planet named Kepler. Rather, the Kepler label is added to the designations of planets discovered using the Kepler telescope. Planets discovered in this way are given designations such as Kepler-20f and Kepler-87c. There are more than 1,000 of these planets that come in a wide range of masses and a wide range of surface gravities.

How does gravity maintain the shape of the solar system?

Gravity pulls in the sun and the planets to stay together in the orbit . The planets have gravitational force between them so they wont fall out.