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Gravity. Gravity is Also Caused by Nuclear forces between Atoms, supposedly caused by Gluons.

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Q: What caused the galaxies and planets to form?
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Related questions

Which heavently bodies form the universe?

Stars, Planets, nebulae, galaxies.

What planets have galaxies?

None. Galaxies on the other hand do contain planets

What caused dust clouds to form planets over time?

The spinning disk of dust that existed after the formation of the Sun caused dust clouds to form planets over time. Gravity caused the material to come together to form planets.

Are galaxies related to planets?

Galaxies are generally a collection of stars. But within any galaxy, there are lots of other objects, including planets. So galaxies are related to planets in some ways.

What force caused celestial bodies to orbit?

None, the universe came into existence in the Big Bang very slightly spinning and every part of the universe is spinning. When a cloud of matter collapses to form galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, etc. the local rate of spin increases. This not only makes the bodies themselves spin but it makes planets orbit stars in solar systems, stars and solar systems orbit inside galaxies, galaxies orbiting clusters of galaxies, etc.

What is the relationship of planets and stars with solar system galaxies and the universe?

Most planets orbit stars forming stellar systems. Stars are not part of the solar system which is simply the stellar system for our star - otherwise known as the sun. Stellar systems together form galaxies and these form a part of the universe.

Are there other planets where you can live and other planets in galaxies?

yes we can live

How was the galaxies and stars and planets made?

Most people believe that all started with a big bang and all the pieces fall out and some of them form galaxies. Nowadays the Universe is still expanding

How constellations different from galaxies?

Constellations are stars put together, usually to form a ancient figure in the stars, a galaxy is much different, They have planets and in galaxies you can find constellations. Big difference

Are there more planets or galaxies in your universe?

More planets. A typical galaxy probably has billions of planets.

What did planets do to form red shift and big bang?

Nothing at all. Planets are cosmic afterthoughts, mere crumbs left over from the birth of the universe and that stars and galaxies that fill it.

Are comets asteroids stars or galaxies sometimes called minor planets?

Asteroids, some comets, and dwarf planets are classified as minor planets. Stars and galaxies are much larger than planets There are dwarf planets and these are Ceres Pluto and Eris.