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No. Palestine did not even declare independence until 1988.

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Q: Did palestine take control of israel in 1979?
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Where did Israel and Palestine take place?

Israel is involved in several conflicts and numerous wars, most of which took place in Israel or in the bordering countries.

Where is Israel under Palestine's control?

Yes, Palestine was a country. When Israel was created in 1948, the land was occupied by the British and before that the Turkish Empire. When the UN created Israel after the Holocaust they wanted to split the land in half. Half as Palestine and half as Israel. Arabs did not like the idea. As the British retreated from Israel all the neighboring Arab countries tried to take over Israel. A war ensued and as the Jewish people pushed back their Arab neighbors they declared the land Israel. Palestinians today who live in the West Bank were Jordanian before the war, but never went back to live Jordan, because they want to stay in their home country. The West Bank and Gaza both are Palestinian and are still in Israel, but are run by their own Palestinian governments. Palestinians are determined to get THEIR land back.___________________________________________________________ Palestine has been semi-autonomous (the Palestinian Authority) since renouncing war on Israel in the 1990's. As stated above, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza now govern themselves, but they are not an independent country. They are still technically part of Israel. A study of history will show that this land has had many rulers before the Israelis, the Brits, and the Turks. But as the Arabs say"our land will be back".

Is Israel part of Palestine?

There are two operative parts of this question which must be discussed before any viable answer can be given.1) What is Palestine? Palestine, prior to 1949, was never used in the context of describing an actual nation or state. It was a regional term that came from the Roman Province Syria-Palaestina. From the 1500s-1919, Palestine was part of several different Ottoman governates like the Vilayet of Beirut, the Vilayet of Damascus and the Mutasaffirat of Jerusalem. The British Mandate of Palestine was the way that the British merely decided to redraw the lines. While there is certainly a legitimate Arab nationalist aspiration to create a Palestinian Arab state, there never was such a state in the past.2) What does "take" mean? Take in this context traditionally means to forcibly assume control of something that was previously controlled by someone else. Since the British, a foreign power, were in control of Palestine, not the indigenous Arabs, the Israelis could not take Palestine from the Arabs. This is similar to how the United States annexing Texas is not construed as taking over Mexican land. Texas and the United States were states separate from the Mexican population of Texas even though the majority of Texans at the time of annexation were Mexicans. Israelis fought the British for the control of a region of land. That land just happened to be called Palestine because of the way the map was drawn.Result:As this explains, Israel did acquire the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine as the result of a war that was declared against it. However, this does not mean that Jews took Palestine if we hold to the definitions that we have already reasonably established. It bears mentioning that from its inception, Israel has sought to establish peaceful relations with everyone else. Unfortunately, it has had the need to defend its civilians almost constantly, all the while maintaining the strongest efforts to mitigate collateral harm.

Who did the Palestine Liberation Organization want to take back Palestine from?

Answer 1The PLO wanted to take (not back) Israel and impose a non-democratic rule.The Jewish state, as defined by the Paris agreement which concluded with the league of nations and the Mandate to Britain to "establish a Jewish state" would be nullified, and in the PLO's base articles, Jews do not have the right to own property.In actual fact, most of those that call themselves Palestinian are from Syria and Egypt, where their ancestors were brought to the Land of Israel in the 19th Century to populate the land.The founder of the PLO, was born in Egypt.Answer 2Palestine is the area between Lebanon and Egypt. It, before occupation, belonged to the Muslims and Christian Arabs of Palestine. It was then devoured by the British army after the Paris agreement. Jewish settlers have been in Palestine, now known as Israel, and Palestine and its allies have launched minor attacks on Israel. In conclusion, the PLO attempted to regain Palestine from the Zionists.

What is modern day canaan?

Generally speaking, the land once called Canaan in ancient history, is present day Israel, give or take small other areas bordering Israel. Other people can also use Palestine for this answer.

Where did the first crusade take place?

The first crusade took place in Anatolia, levent, Palestine/ near east!

When did the allies declare that the crimes against Jews would be avenged?

thay did that , when they decide to create an inecsistant state of israel , which steal palestine property , and now that take no punishments to israel which is causing an " holocaust" to inocente people of palestine , as we see the decision of allies to catapulted jews in arabian land was an intentional decide who brought the death of milion innocents people from israel weapons , political , and allies against fuel land.....

In which war did Israel take control of the old city of Jerusalem?

The Six Day War of 1967.

Why do Jews and Muslims fight over the Dome of the Rock?

they fighting because Israel attacked palestine and they trying to take over palestine but they couldn't

Did the US ever take Israel or Palestine away from the Jews?

Answer 1I am not sure what you mean. Israel was created as a sovereign nation in 1948. Prior to that, Jews were scattered throughout the world, including in what was then called Palestine. History shows that Jews had in fact lived in the middle east for many centuries, and while the creation of Israel was controversial to some people in the Arab world, most of the rest of the world (including the US) decided to support the idea. Since the country of Israel is a sovereign nation, just like other countries, the US cannot "take it away" from anyone.Answer 2It was the Romans who kicked the Jews out of the Land of Israel nearly 2000 years ago, not the United States. The United States has consistently defended Israel's Right to Statehood and became a strong ally of Israel after 1967.

Who was directed to take his family to Egypt?

An angel told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt until it was safe for them to live in Israel because the Roman Empire was in control of Israel and were illing off Jewish babies because of the prophecies of a king.

How was holocaust connected to the birth of Israel?

Jewish refugees and many survivors of the Holocaust sought their own homeland and returned to Palestine. They formed the country of Israel in 1948 and have fought opposition from the Arab countries ever since.