

Did people voted against partial birth abortion's?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Did people voted against partial birth abortion's?
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What has the supreme court ruled on the ban of partial-birth abortions?

Basically that it's illegal and you can read ALL of it in the link below.

What is FOCA?

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide. FOCA will do away with state laws on parental involvement, on partial birth abortion, and on all other protections. FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions. FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

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Yes, they are called abortions, a swift kick to the vag and you are definitely "controlling" that birth.

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Not necessarily; see a doctor!

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No it will NOT cause an abortion.

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No, but birth control.

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Modern medicine can decrease the birth rate via abortions or increase it with better premature child birth rates. Improving the overall health of the parents and limiting pathogens in the area at the time of birth also increases the birth rate.

What does it mean if a woman is G3P2-0-2?

G3P2-0-2 The G is the number of pregnancies the woman has had, so she has been pregnant 3 times. The 2 is how many times she has given birth, so she has given birth 2 times. The 0 is number of miscarriage or abortions, so she has had 0 miscarriages or abortions. Indicating she is currently pregnant because if she has been pregnant 3 times, given birth twice, but had 0 miscarriages/abortions - then there is one child yet to be accounted for, so she is currently pregnant. The last 2 is the number of living children she has.

Which presidents pro life?

It is difficult to assess what views that presidents who served before abortion was legalized in the United States. Nixon - No opinion issued Ford - No opinion issued Carter - Against abortion personally, but opposes ban on it. Reagan - Against abortion, but never tried to outlaw it, either as president or governor of California Bush, H.W - Opposed to all forms of abortion Clinton - Support abortion; believes life begins at birth Bush, W - Against partial-birth abortions; against federal funding of abortion. Would support a ban on abortion but no proactive on it.

Where is the Cheapest abortions in Daytona beach?

WomanCare Centers is located in Daytona. They have been there since 1977 and are the only state-licensed clinic in Volusia County. They are great! I go there to get my birth control pills....and my friend had an abortion there. Great people.

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PG13 for some partial nudity and the birth scene at the end

Do birth control pills protect against HIV?

No, birth control pills DO NOT protect against HIV