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Phillis Wheatley and her family faced opposition and criticism due to their race and social status, rather than any specific enemies. As an enslaved African American poet in the 18th century, she experienced prejudice and discrimination from society at large.

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Q: Did phillis and her family have any enemies?
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Who is phillis wheatley's family member?

Phylis Wheatley did not have a family she was bought by the Wheatley family

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did phillis wheatley have any sisters and brothers

When was phillis wheatley captured?

She was captured at 7 in 1760. Her family were takn to.

Did Phillis Weatley go to school and where?

Phillis Wheatley was not formally educated in a traditional school setting. She was taught to read and write by the Wheatley family who enslaved her.

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How did phillis wheatley show her devotion to the wheatley family?

Phillis Wheatley showed her devotion to the Wheatley family through her poetry. Many of her poems were dedicated to members of the Wheatley family, expressing gratitude and loyalty. She also wrote poems that highlighted the family's support and kindness towards her.

Where did phillis wheatly go to school?

her step family took her to a school to learn the bible

How was phillis wheatley family life?

great because she got took at the age of 8

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Did Phillis Wheatley have Tuberculosis?

Sadly we will never actually know. She MAY have had tb or any mumber of respiratory diseases

Did phillis wheatley come to America with her family?

Yes she did but they got separated when john wheatley bought her

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