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Yes, with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Don't forget the Federal Farm Board and Grain stabilization act (FFB/GSA), division of public construction and emergency construction and relief act. It was an effort to end the depression, it did more harm than good. The RFC rewarded failure. It was also corrupted (Charles Dawes), and it publicly published names of the banks and corporations that received loans, discrediting those establishment. Many banks that received loans went on to fail. All of the above mentioned relief programs took (tax) money from every American and redistributed it to corporations, banks, farmers, and newly created public jobs.

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While not believing in charity by the government, Hoover did try and help the economic mess that began during his administration. He gave much of his money to charity and encouraged Americans to do the same. He broke with Republicans and did away with the taxes that had been placed on citizens during the Coolidge administration. He thought that would allow for more income being spent to help the economy rebound. He spent $500 million a year on public works and government programs to build or improve government properties. The most famous was the Hoover (Boulder) Dam. Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (continued by FDR) which created an agency to help banks, railroads, and other key businesses to stay in business thus helping the economy. All of these things could not stem the tide of the economic collapse. Hoover believed in a balanced budget and not pumping government money into the economy. He believed in "rugged individualism" and relied on the individual, the churches and private charities, and the local and state governments to handle most of the economic help that was needed.

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11y ago

Herbert Hoover did not lead the United States out of the Great Depression, he believed that the economy would fix itself and inputted little to no federal aid. Because he did so little, he became extremely unpopular and was not reelected in the 1932 presidential election against Franklin Roosevelt. His bad choices and luck while in office soon led to the nickname "Poor Herbie".

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President Hoover did nothing to end the Great Depression and obviously had no understanding of economics. So yes, he could have done more.

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No he did not .

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Q: Do you think president Hoover could have done more to end the Great Depression?
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President hoover believed this could lead us out of the great depression?

Raising taxes

How did President Hoover react to the Great Depression?

President Hoover reacted to the great depression by helping people with things they could not afford like soup kitchens which gave people free food who needed it. Also hoovervilles which gave homes

What were the hoovervilles Great Depression?

Hoovervilles were shanty towns that people were forced to live in because they could not afford any proper accomodation during the Great Depression. They were named after President Hoover who was President of the US at the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover was replaced by Franklin D Roosevelt because he was regarded as a 'do nothing President' meaning he did not put proper measures in place to help the USA out of the Great Depression.

What were Hoovervillers during the Great Depression?

Hoovervilles were shanty towns that people were forced to live in because they could not afford any proper accomodation during the Great Depression. They were named after President Hoover who was President of the US at the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover was replaced by Franklin D Roosevelt because he was regarded as a 'do nothing President' meaning he did not put proper measures in place to help the USA out of the Great Depression.

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Hoover hog was the name people who blamed President Hoover for the Depression gave to armadillos, and to a lesser extent, rabbits and jackrabbits. They were a source of food to people in certain areas of the country because they could be hunted.

What is Herbert Hoover and the Hoover carts?

"Hoover cart" -- the remains of the old tin Lizzie being pulled by a mule During part of the great depression of the 1930's when Herbert Hoover was president, many auotomobile owners could not afford gasoline to power their cars so would cut off the rear end of the vehicle, attach a tongue and pull it as a cart with either a horse or mule. Others simply took the rear end housing out of the car, built a wooden cart over the housing and pull this with a horse or mule. These carts acquired the nickname "Hoover Carts" in "honor" of President Hoover.

What is one step that president hoover took even before the greate depression to help the nation struggling farmers?

One of the first things President Hoover did to combat the effects of The Great Depression was to try to get the Federal Reserve Act repealed. The Federal Reserve Act set limits on how much money the Reserve could release into the economy.

Who believed that the Great Depression could best be cured by individual initiative and private charity?

Herbert Hoover

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He was voted out of office before his plan could work. It takes some time to end a great depression.

How much hoovervilles are there?

Hoovervilles were first started when President Hoover was in office. They named them Hoovervilles because they blamed the great depression on President Hoover. They were shanty towns made from trash and cardboard boxes. The people who lived in them lost their jobs and homes from the great depression. Now, as of today none are present but, I guess you could call any group of shanty houses a Hooverville.

What are Hovervilles?

Hovervilles were makeshift shantytowns that emerged during the Great Depression in the United States. These towns were made up of temporary shelters built by unemployed and homeless individuals using whatever materials they could find. The term was inspired by the Herbert Hoover administration and reflected the challenges facing those living in extreme poverty during that time.

Why did Hoover become unpopular with many Americans?

He was so unpopular with the American people because he didn't do much when the Great Depression started. The people wanted him to do something and he did nothing. People were loosing their jobs and even dying, so when Franklin D. Roosevelt came into the picture the people believed he could do something to make a difference, and he did.