

Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States and served from March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933.

690 Questions

Why did President Hoover give Marie Curie 50000 dollars?

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President Hoover gave Marie Curie $50,000 in 1929 as a gift from the American people to purchase radium for her research on cancer. Marie Curie's work with radium led to significant advances in the field of radiation therapy for cancer treatment.

What statement best describes Herbert hoovers first response to the nations economic crisis?

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the government should allow the depression to progress naturally

When Herbert Hoover moved into the White House in 1929 the US what was economy marked by as?

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When Herbert Hoover moved into the White House in 1929, the US economy was marked by a period of economic prosperity known as the "Roaring Twenties." The stock market was experiencing a period of rapid growth, and consumer spending and industrial production were high. However, this period of prosperity was followed by the Great Depression, which began shortly after Hoover took office.

How much does an annual Hoovers' subscription cost?

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The cost of an annual Hoover's subscription varies depending on the subscription plan and the level of access you need. Pricing details are not publicly available, so it is best to contact Hoover's directly or visit their website for specific pricing information.

Who made the lamps from 'Runaway Bride'?

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The lamps featured in 'Runaway Bride' were made by the production designer of the movie, Stuart Wurtzel.

Where did Herbert Hoover believe economic growth should come from?

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Herbert Hoover believed that economic growth should come primarily from private businesses and individuals, rather than from government intervention. He advocated for limited government involvement in the economy and encouraged free market principles and entrepreneurial innovation as the drivers of economic progress. He believed that lowering taxes and reducing regulations would incentivize private sector activity and stimulate economic growth.

Did president hoover fail to meet the needs of many Americans?

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Yes, President Hoover failed to meet the needs of many Americans during the Great Depression. His policies focused on limited government intervention and laissez-faire economics, which did not effectively address the widespread unemployment, poverty, and economic crisis. The lack of relief programs and ineffective response to the suffering of Americans contributed to widespread discontent and Hoover's unpopularity as president.

What president battled the bonus army?

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President Herbert Hoover battled the Bonus Army. In 1932, a group of World War I veterans known as the Bonus Army marched to Washington, D.C. to demand early payment of their military bonuses. Hoover ordered the eviction of the protesters from their makeshift camps, leading to a violent clash with the federal troops.

What did president hoover see as problems with government-paid public works jobs?

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President Hoover saw two main problems with government-paid public works jobs. Firstly, he believed that such jobs would create dependency on the government and discourage individual initiative and self-reliance. Secondly, Hoover was concerned that government intervention in the economy through public works projects would lead to inefficiency and wasteful spending.

What was president hoover's fear about deficit spending?

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President Hoover feared that deficit spending would lead to inflation and undermine the stability of the economy. He believed that the government should operate with a balanced budget and not rely on excessive borrowing to fund its activities. He prioritized fiscal responsibility and believed that deficit spending could have long-term negative consequences for the economy.

What is the Lou Henry Hoover nature sanctuary?

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Asked by Clarion1

The Lou Henry Hoover nature sanctuary is a protected area located in Palo Alto, California. Named after Lou Henry Hoover, the wife of President Herbert Hoover, it is a beautiful and serene place that offers opportunities for hiking and exploring nature. The sanctuary is home to various plant species and wildlife, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

What opinion did many Americans have toward President Hoover?

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Many Americans blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression and believed he did not do enough to address the economic crisis. They perceived him as indifferent and out of touch with the suffering of the American people. This negative opinion towards Hoover contributed to his unpopularity during his presidency.

Was Kurt-herbert adler married?

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Yes, Kurt Herbert Adler was married. He was married to the violinist Anita Donath, with whom he had two children.

Why was president hoover against repealing prohibition?

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President Hoover was against repealing Prohibition due to concerns about the potential negative social and economic consequences that could arise from increased alcohol consumption. He believed that Prohibition had important moral and health benefits and feared that its repeal would lead to increased crime, corruption, and public health issues. Hoover also felt that the Volstead Act, which enforced Prohibition, needed to be strengthened and better enforced rather than repealed.

Do Henry Hoover bags only fit into Hoover vacuums?

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Henry Hoover bags only fit in Hoover vacuums. They do this so that customers will only buy their products and create more money for the business. This is a wise decision for any profitable company.

Why did president hoover not help the unemployed?

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President Hoover believed in limited government intervention in the economy and thought that the economy would naturally recover on its own. He was also concerned about the potential for increased government spending and debt. Additionally, Hoover believed that direct relief to the unemployed could discourage them from seeking work. He did implement some limited measures, such as creating the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but these efforts were criticized as being too little and too late.

What were Hoover Blankets during the Great Depression?

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Hoover Blankets were newspapers used as makeshift blankets by the homeless during the Great Depression, named after President Herbert Hoover. The term reflects the desperation and poverty that many Americans faced during that time, as they were unable to afford proper bedding.

What major event happened in the 1930's while president hoover was president?

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One major event that occurred in the 1930s during President Hoover's administration was the Great Depression. This economic crisis, triggered by the stock market crash of 1929, had severe consequences on the American economy and people's livelihoods. President Hoover's response to the crisis was criticized, as he was seen as not doing enough to alleviate the suffering of the American people.

How did the bonus army March affect Americans views towards Herbert Hoover?

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I think it hurt him in the 1936 election. As president, he had to clear the campers out eventually, but was blamed for doing it. He did not have the power to give out the bonuses they wanted and Congress refused to do it. Roosevelt milked the incident for all it was worth during the campaign. He even sent his wife to talk to the campers at their new camp outside of Washington.

Did president hoover present a false or an accurate image of the depression to the american public?

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President Hoover presented a more optimistic and inaccurate image of the Great Depression to the American public. He downplayed the severity of the economic crisis and emphasized the need for voluntary efforts and private initiative to solve the problems. This approach undermined public confidence and contributed to a lack of effective government intervention during the early years of the Depression.

How did Roosevelt's evaluate the efforts made by the hoover administration to resolve the nation economic problems?

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What tribe did Herbert Hoover belong to?

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Herbert Hoover did not belong to a tribe. He was of European descent and his ancestry traces back to Germany, Switzerland, and England.

What were Herbert Hoover's talent's?

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Herbert Hoover's talents included being a skilled administrator and organizer, as demonstrated by his successful work in humanitarian aid efforts during World War I. He was also known for his expertise in engineering and mining, having worked as a mining engineer prior to his career in public service. Additionally, Hoover possessed strong economic knowledge and leadership skills, which he utilized during his presidency to address the Great Depression.

What is a 1934 Herbert Hoover signature worth?

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The value of a 1934 Herbert Hoover signature depends on factors such as the condition of the signature, the item it is on (such as a letter, document, or photograph), and the demand among collectors. Generally, a Herbert Hoover signature from this time period can range in value from several hundred to a few thousand dollars. It's advisable to consult with a reputable autograph dealer or appraiser to get a more accurate estimate for your specific item.