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Q: Did randy moss ever do any charity work?
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This matter has not been settled yet, Tom told Randy to keep it, but Randy Moss proposed cutting it in half. Instead it seems that they will work out some way to have "joint" custody of it.

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Yes...A LOT!

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No she does not do charity work

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yes. when he was younger. by SABRINA 13 years old.

Has Nicki minaj ever done charity work?

yh she does because she is a nice person!

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she actually did do charity work on the copany she did

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They are doctors who do the work of doctors for free or for charity or missionary work.

Has Leona Lewis done any charity work?

She does charity work for PETA.

Has Reba McEntire ever done charity work before?

Yes for Habitat for Humanity. she has wont the award for it many times.

Does Oritse Williams from JLS do any charity work?

Oritsé does do charity work. JLS have their own charity, which he is a big part of, like the other members. Also, he does a lot of charity work for a Multiple Sclerosis charity, since his mum suffers from the illness.

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Princess Diana did most of her work charity work after she got married.