

Did scientists find Cleopatra

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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What do you mean? Of course they didn't stupid

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Q: Did scientists find Cleopatra
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How did Cleopatras mom die?

Your question can't be answered because we don't know who Cleopatra's mother was. We know her father was married to Cleopatra V, but that does not necessarily mean that she was Cleopatra VII mother. We simply have to wait until archaeologists find relevant material and the scientists test it all to determine Cleopatra's parentage.

What was cleopatra's height?

Based on statues now thought to be of Cleopatra, it is estimated that she was about five feet tall. Of course, we can't really know for sure.

How can you find pictures of Cleopatra?

Look up Cleopatra in Google and then click on images

What is Cleopatra's tomb named?

Cleopatra's tomb is unnamed because it has not been found. If and when they do find it, it will more than likely be called simply "Cleopatra's tomb."

What did queen Cleopatra actually look like?

We only have a vague idea of what Cleopatra actually looked like. Several scientists have done reconstructions of her face from information gathered from coins and statues said to be of her. None of them are very flattering. Her tomb has not been found and until they find it, and if her mummy is there, a more accurate reproduction can be made.

Did they find a snake after Cleopatra died?


Did Cleopatra find mosus?

No, Cleopatra and Moses lived at different times. Their lives were separated by about 1500 years,

How do scientists find things out?

Scientists find things out by doing experiments.

Where online do i find Cleopatra costumes?

You can find cleopatra costumes online at,, and They can be purchased for $20-$40 depending on which costume you choose.

What was buried with Cleopatra?

We don't know what Cleopatra was buried with although she requested to be buried next to Marc Antony. We just have to wait until they find her tomb to find out.

Where can one find Cleopatra brand makeup?

Cleopatra brand makeup can be purchased from retailers such as Sephora, Amazon, and eBay. The cosmetic counter at The Bay also carries Cleopatra brand makeup.

Where are Cleopatra costume found?

You can find a good Cleopatra costume at The Pyramid Collection either online or you can call and get the catalog sent to you. They offer an array of costumes and accessories to create the perfect Cleopatra costume.