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We were just learning about this in class! Yes, he did find sea shells on the summit because it used to be below the ocean before the Indian plate collided into the Eurasian plate millions of years ago, causing the great mountain to form.

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Q: Did sir Edmund Hillary found seashells and clams on top of mt Everest?
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Are zebra mussels seashells?

no, their like every other mussel but they live in fresh water, they are related to clams.

How are seashell important to the environment?

Seashells are usually the homes of sea creatures, and wash up ashore when the dwelling creature dies. Without seashells, Oysters, Mussels, Clams, and Hermit Crabs would be much more vulnerable to predators.

Did Indians use seashells as eating utensils?

Native Americans used seashells to make jewelry and also trade them as a type of currency. These beads and ornaments used for trading were called wampum.

How do seashells grow?

seashells are the hard protective homes of underwater creatures eg. clams,whelks, mussels etc. They protect their soft bodies from being attacked by fish or eaten by other underwater creatures. As the animal grows so does the shell. Apart from hermit crabs who find an empty shell in which to reside for protection

What one of the six kingdoms is a seashell in?

A seashell is typically classified in the kingdom Animalia.

How is seashells related to pearl?

Seashells are the protective outer layer of mollusks, and pearls are formed within some types of mollusks as a defense mechanism against irritants. Pearls are created when a foreign object, like a grain of sand, enters the mollusk's shell and the mollusk secretes layers of nacre around it, forming a pearl. So, seashells provide the environment for pearls to be produced within certain mollusks.

Where do seashells lives?

under water. in coral reefs seahells cant live. they are non living objects. but there are creatures living IN them, like crabs, mollusks, oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and other creatures. they live all over the earth. u can find em anywhere. u could say where are seashells found. same answer. they are found everywhere, because the creatures above live everywhere (depending on what type and species they are

Do clams poop?

clams just do there do do

What is bigger clams or mussel?


What do clams start out as?

baby clams

Is a sea shell symbolic of anything?

Sea shells can symbolize different things depending on the culture. In general, they are often associated with the ocean, travel, protection, and the cycle of life. Some cultures also view sea shells as representing fertility, femininity, and prosperity.

Do vegetarians eat clams?

No, clams are animals.