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No. some just had beaks

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Q: Did some dinosaurs have no teeth?
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Did dinosaurs have flat teeth when they were born?

some did but not the meat eaters

How can you tell a differencen between a dinosaur that was a plant eater and one that was a meat eater?

One way is by looking at the teeth. Carnivorous dinosaurs always had sharp teeth. Herbivorous dinosaurs had spatula like teeth, or even molars, depending on the species. Also, no meat eating dinosaurs could walk on four legs. Also, most if not all meat eating dinosaurs were lizard hipped. There were also some dinosaurs that were omnivores and had a combination of teeth.

Describe what is a plant eating dinosaurs?

There are several herbivorous dinosaurs, like the sauropods and the ceratopsians. Their teeth weren't as sharp as the teeth of carnivorous dinosaurs.

Do meat eating dinosaurs have molar teeth?

Yes! meat eating dinosaurs do have molar teeth. The molar teeth are found at the end of the mouth.

What dinosaurs have canine teeth?

Canine teeth are unique to mammals and our ancestors, therapsids. Other creatures, including dinosaurs, never had canine teeth.

Why do birds not have teeth if they are a form of dinosaur?

Because certain dinosaurs had teeth. First off all dinosaurs had teeth, if not tel me one that didn`t, and dinosaurs are birds and reptiles, not just birds.

Did dinosaurs with wings have teeth?

No dinosaurs had wings (unless you consider Archaeopteryx a dinosaur, which you could, but usually it's considered the first bird and removed from the dinosaur superorder). Pterosaurs, flying reptiles, had wings and flew. Nearly all of them (that we know of) had teeth.

Why do dinosaurs have teeth?

To bite into prey or bite leaves, dinosaurs needed teeth. The T. Rex had the biggest teeth of all dinosaurs to deliver a killing bite to its prey. The sauropods had front teeth but no back teeth. The spinosaur adapted to eating fish and so had a mouth like crocodiles.

If dinosaurs came back to life will they kill us?

I think that some dinosaurs would try and some people would get eaten. We'd then go and wipe them out as a species. We have guns, tanks, and planes. They have claws and teeth.

Do dinosaurs brush their teeth?

No, they can't brush their teeth. Their arms were not made to brush their teeth. Eventually they died of gum disease or from starvation after their teeth fell out and now they're all dead. So, NO dinosaurs don't brush their teeth because they're extinct.

How large is the biggest dinosaurs teeth?

duenua brown

How do we know dinosaurs eat plant?

Mostly by there teeth.