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Of course not, even though the power of tsunamis is emense it is not nearly enough and will NEVER be enough to disrupt the orbit or rotation of the earth.

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Q: Did the 2004 Tsunami change the rotation of Earth or Earth's orbit around the sun?
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Did the 2004 tsunami change the rotation of the earth?

Yes it did.

What are affects of earths rotation?

When the earth spins the seasons change

How do earthquake activity change the earths surface?

By slowing down the earths rotation but will not make effect to humans .

What change would occur if earths rate of rotation significantly decreased?

the orbit

What are the two factors that cause the earth's seasons?

rotation of earth -earth is at a tilt so sometimes some parts get more sun then others rotation around the sun -earth will be at different distances from the sun as it rotates around

How does earths rotation causes shadows to change length and position?

As the earth rotates the angle if the sunlight changes which affects shadows.

Do day lengths change?

The length of a day (one rotation of the earth) does not change by any significant amount. The amount of daylight received will vary according to your latitude due to the axial tilt if the earth and the earths position in its orbit around the sun

What change the season on earth?

the rotation of the earth around the sun

Which observable change would occur in NY if earths rate of rotation were one half its present rate?

The days would be longer

Does the earths rotation cause the Moon's phases?

Not only the earth's rotation , the lunar phases change cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing positions of the Moon and Sun relative to the Earth.

What causes the 24 hour change in the sky?

earth completes a full rotation on its axis and thats why we have day and night because of much direct light earths getting from the sun

What change would occur if the earths rotation significantly decreased?

The length of a day would increase and the number days in a year would decrease.