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Q: Did the 2011 japan earthquake effected the culture?
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Was the 2011 Japan earthquake a transform earthquake?

No. The March 2011 earthquake in japan was along a convergent boundary, and triggered by subduction.

What impacts did the earthquake have on japan?

Japan was effected strongly by the earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March 2011. Many lives, jobs, buildings and homes were lost. A tsunami also occurred because of the earthquake. Nuclear power plants suffered from leakage, and the radiation still needs to be completely cleaned up.

What was the impact the tsunami and earthquake had on Japan?

Japan was effected strongly by the earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March 2011. Many lives, jobs, buildings and homes were lost. A tsunami also occurred because of the earthquake. Nuclear power plants suffered from leakage, and the radiation still needs to be completely cleaned up.

Is there a famous earthquake in japan?

Great East Japan Earthquake / 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

What is the name of the earthquake that hit Japan in 2011?

It is called the Sendai Earthquake of 2011 because the epicenter was nearest the city of Sendai, Japan.

What was worst- the Haiti or the Japan earthquake in 2011?


What year was Japan's earthquake?

It depends on the earthquake you are talking about. Many have occurred in Japan. The most recent is the 2011 earthquake.

How long did the earthquake lasted in Japan 2011?

The earthquake in Japan lasted about 3-5 minutes.

How much warning was there on the Japan tsunami and earthquake in March 2011?

There was little to no warning about the coming of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 2011.

Is Japan earthquake 2011 the biggest earthquake in the world?

No. The earthquake that caused the Tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 was a bigger earthquake than the one that hit Japan.

When did the earthquake occur exactly in Japan?

on 11th march 2011 at earthquake occur exactly in japan

What are the causes of earthquake in Japan 2011?

The 'plates' underground 'smack' into each other causing the Japan earthquake.