

Did the Aleutian people use igloos?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Did the Aleutian people use igloos?
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Related questions

Where do people use igloos?

The place where people use igloos is up in the high north.... lest say the tip top of Canada, or even Alaska.

What do the people use the clock tower for?

They have to be able to tell the time for parties at igloos

Why do people have igloos in Antarctica?

Igloos are built in Antarctica for a survival situation only.

What materials did the inuit people use to build the igloos?

They used ice and snow! Hope you liked it!

Are the igloos still use?


How igloos help eskimos?

An igloo is a house made of ice and eskimos are the native people of Alaska (who were known to live in igloos)

Where did Inuit people live?

In Igloos

Do people live in igloos?

no they dont

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Do people in extreme cold weathers live in igloos?

Yes some people do live in igloos when they come across extremely cold weather

What did they use for windows in ogloo?

Igloos do not have windows.

Can we find igloos in Nunavut?

yes the Inuits who make up 85% of the population use igloos to move when they are hunting but they do not use them as their actuall house