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Q: Did the American Revolution happen after the Boston Tea Party?
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Did the Boston Tea Party happen after the revolution?

no, the Boston tea party was before the revolutionary war.

How is the Boston tea party connected to the American revolution?

Somewhat, since the Boston Tes Party really symbolizes rebellion against Britain, it was one of the small things that started the war.

What war did the Boston Tea Party lead to?

american revolution

Is the Boston tea party and the Boston massacre a big spark in the American revolution?


Was the Boston Tea Party held in Boston?

it was NT a party at all it was the start of the American revolution and yes it took place in Boston harbour

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what event constituted the boston tea party

Was The Boston Tea Party a major political event in the growth of the American Revolution?


Where did the Boston Tea Party Battle Happen?

First of all it wasn't a battle it was a colony revolution and it happened in Boston in late 1773

What was the situation in Boston around the 1700's?

Just the Boston Massacure, the Boston Tea Party, and the whole American Revolution... Nothing much...

What boycott involved Samuel Adams and Paul Revere?

two workers of the Boston tea party. They were a big help in the American revolution. do u understand?

Was the stamp act during the American revolution?

No it was before. Around the time of the Boston Tea Party

What was the main goal for the American revolution?

well it took place in the Boston tea party and Alexander Hamilton was at the Boston tea party,so did are 1st presidentvnsdsvgbugahthanbgfyuabendydand that's how it ended