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no they did not

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Q: Did the Americans do everything they should have before they declared independence?
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How long did the American revolutionary war last before Americans declared their independence?

April 19,1775-July 4,1776.

How long did the fighting go on before Americans declared their independence?

It didn't. One battle in 1775 with Lexington and Concord. Most people weren't that involved in declaring independence.

How long did the fighting go on before the Americans declared the Independence?

It didn't. One battle in 1775 with Lexington and Concord. Most people weren't that involved in declaring independence.

Actual fighting in the American Revolution began at Lexington and Concord how long did the fighting go on before Americans declared their independence?

fourteen months

Was there other presidents before Washington?

No- Not in the United States of America . Before the United States existed, there were presidents of the Continental Congresses that existed was before independence was declared from Britain and after independence, to conduct the war of independence.

What is the meaning behind July 4th?

Independence Day. It's an anniversary of that date in July 4, 1776, when the original 13 colonies declared their independence from England and formed the United States of America. The colonies had to win the War first, before they actually got their independence. Slavery and harsh treatment of the Native Americans was still practised in the newly formed USA.

What particular attributes do Americans like about English people for example accents culture and personalities?

Americans get along with the English because we come from a common beginning. America was English before we declared our independence, and we still have a lot of language and culture in common with each other.

How long did the fighting go on after the battles of lexington and concord before Americans declared independence?

The fighting of Lexington and Concord, known as the Revolutionary War, went on for 7 or 5 years before Americans received their independence.That's all. Anymore questions like who were the Revolutionary War heroes that you know the answer to pl answer some way.

Who ruled America before 1776?

America was not a nation prior to 1776. Portions of it were originally ruled by Native Americans and later by European colonists. The 13 colonies that became the United States of America was ruled by Britain directly before they declared their independence in 1776.

When was uzbekistan founded?

In 1991! Before they declared their independence, they were part of Russia, or more specific The Soviet Union.

How many countries made up the Soviet Union before the first of them declared independence?

15 SSRs

When was the Declaration of Independence signed before or after the Constitution?

before. DOI signed 1776 Constitution signed 1787