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Q: Did the Apollo mission experience time travel and distortion?
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Did Apollo 11 go on the first mission to the moon?

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to ever land on the moon. Apollo 8 was the first manned mission to actually travel to the moon, but they did not land.

Where was the Apollo 1 going to land?

Apollo 1 was not actually scheduled to even travel to the moon, let alone land. Had the mission actually gone off, it would have fulfilled essentially the same mission later accomplished my Apollo 7 (the first manned mission using Apollo equipment). Apollo 7 was an 11-day Earth-orbital mission, the first manned launch of the Saturn IB launch vehicle, and the first three-person US space mission. This would have been the mission of Apollo 1.

How far did Apollo 6 travel?

There was no mission named Apollo 6. After the fire killed the crew of Apollo 1, the next manned mission was Apollo 7. All missions between 1 and 7 were hardware test flights and used a different naming convention.

Was Apollo 7 the first spaceship to land on the moon?

No, Apollo 7 did not travel to the moon, its mission was only to test the validity of the spacecraft as it was the first manned launch of the Apollo hardware. Apollo 7 did not leave Earth orbit.

How long does it take to get to the moon in a space ship?

Depends on the speed the craft can travel. The Apollo mission took about 3 days

What training did the Apollo 11 crew do?

They had hard training for their space mission, like adjusting to weightlessness , over coming Travel sickness.

What nasa mission traveled the furthest from earth?

Apollo 13, traveling 243,000 miles from Earth. This occurred due to a failed moon landing attempt. The craft had to travel around the moon after tragedy cut the mission short.

What did Apollo 13 travel in?

Apollo 13 was launched on the Saturn 5 rocket.

What were the results of the Apollo 11 mission?

There are two primary outcomes from the Apollo 11 mission. The first, and most important, was that man could travel to the moon, land on its surface, get out and walk around on its surface without sinking under the soil (a real concern many held prior to launch), get back into the spacecraft, rendezvous with the orbiting Command Module, and return safely to Earth. That was the primary, and most important goal, of the Apollo 11 mission. Less important, at least for this mission, was the return of samples and pictures and the placement and execution of some small science experiments on the lunar surface. These were all performed, and the science was important, but it was not the primary goal of the mission.

How far did Apollo 12 travel?

Apollo 12 traveled to the moon and back to earth.

Is space travel hard or easy and why?

Space travel is extermely doifficult. It involves physics, anatomy if it is a manned mission, geology if you collect rock samples, and nearly every science you can think of. There are years of planning. Astronauts are trained for two years before they can go into space. Still, there are dangers. Think about Apollo 1, Apollo 13, Challenger, Columbia. Mankind still has much to learn about space travel.

Who were the first persons to visit the moon?

In 1968, the crew of the NASA mission Apollo 8 were the first to travel to the Moon, but did not land there. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first to land there, with Armstrong being the first to set foot on the surface.