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Australopithecus likely lived in small family groups for protection and cooperative activities such as hunting or gathering food. It's also possible that they lived in larger social groups for enhanced survival against predators. There is evidence of social behavior in Australopithecus based on fossil findings and analysis of their habitats.

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Q: Did the Australopithecus's live in families large groups or alone?
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Primary and secondary social group?

Primary social groups are small, intimate, and long-lasting groups where individuals have regular and direct interactions, such as families and close friends. Secondary social groups are larger, more formal, and based on shared interests or activities, like clubs, teams, or professional organizations. Primary groups typically provide emotional support, while secondary groups offer opportunities for networking and achieving common goals.

Why did early humans hunt and gather in groups?

Early humans hunted and gathered in groups for several reasons: improved efficiency in acquiring food, enhanced protection against predators, and increased social interaction for survival and reproduction. Group hunting enabled them to take down large prey, while gathering in groups allowed for the sharing of knowledge about edible plants and resources.

What do the kayapo Indians houses look like?

The Kayapo Indians traditionally live in large communal houses called malocas. These houses are made from wood and thatched with palm leaves, and can accommodate multiple families. They are built on stilts and have a large open area in the center for communal activities.

Did neanderthal men hunt in groups?

Yes, Neanderthals are believed to have hunted in groups. Evidence from archaeological sites suggests that they engaged in coordinated group hunts to take down large game animals for food. This likely required complex planning, communication, and collaboration among individuals.

How did the Neanderthals kill large animals?

Neanderthals used a variety of tools such as spears, clubs, and thrusting lances to hunt large animals. They likely hunted in groups, coordinating their efforts to take down prey. Evidence suggests they were skilled hunters capable of ambushing or outrunning their prey.

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