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Q: Did the Aztec's have clothes for special occasions or ceremonies?
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What were the ancient Aztecs special interest?

Ceremonies, Making medicine, and weaving baskets.

Do Aztecs have special clothes?

Did the Aztecs have special clothes...a difficult one, I suspect that like us they had clothes that were special, but I am uncertain that anyone really knows. Certainly the high priests did and there are carvings and drawings show that..fabulous embroidery and weaving, but the normal people not

What were the Aztecs religious practices?

Aztecs would make human sacrifices in order to keep their gods satisfied. They would hold special ceremonies to do these sacrifices and to guide the soul of the sacrificed person to the eternal house of the dead.

What ceremonies did the Aztecs have?

New Fire Ceremony and Sacrifices

When did the Aztecs hold ceremonies for their gods?

It all was accorded to the Aztec calendar

What were Aztecs clothes made out of?

some clothing of the aztecs were made out of linen

Who used the Aztecs pyramids?

The Aztec pyramids were used primarily for religious ceremonies and sacrifices. The temples on top of the pyramids were dedicated to various gods and were important sites for ceremonies conducted by Aztec priests.

What did the Aztecs do at their religious ceremonies?

During religious ceremonies, the Aztecs often performed rituals that included human sacrifices, music, dancing, and offerings to their gods. They believed that these ceremonies were necessary to ensure the well-being of their society and to maintain a harmonious relationship with their deities. The Aztecs also used the ceremonies as a way to connect with the spiritual world and seek divine guidance.

How did the Aztecs wash their clothes?

They washed them in a river.

What do girl Aztecs wear?

they wear clothes