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Q: Did the Aztecs believe that fungi were Gods and made many statues of them?
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What is a life of a scientist?

you will be crazy and lots of things in your mind an scientist does not believe of gods

Who is the weakest god?

There is no " weakest god ". There is only one God, Christ. Isn't he your "savior," hes only like god's love child? ------------------------------------------------- Edit: By Nathaniel Zhu It really depends on what you believe. It could be any assortments of God/Gods. Because every religion claims their Gods to be the one true God, perhaps they are all the strongest or they are all the weakest. But that's no different than arguing who's stronger: Gandalf or Dumbledore. They're strongest in each of their own contexts. I, for example, believe there is no such thing as God or Gods so the weakest God is whichever God you choose to assign the meaning of "weakest".

What did temples and palaces attempt to reflect?

They attempted to reflect the glory and power that the gods had. This way the people saw all the blessings the gods would give them and give the gods things. They were also a place where people worshipped their gods.

How could the mosaic code be changed?

by no one

What is it called when you believe in evolution?

== == Believing in evolution of species is called being realistic. It is recognizing the facts of science. Persons who believe that evolution is true are often referred to as evolutionists.Persons who are true believers in evolution specifically exclude anything other than a purely naturalistic explanation for the origin of the earth and universe and particularly life on earth.Theistic evolutionists is a term given to those who try to match theism, or belief in a God or gods as the one or ones involved in an original creation, with evolution being the mechanism which has produced ongoing changes over time to the point where we are today. Sometimes this also includes a God or gods guiding or directing the process of evolution.

Related questions

What did the Aztecs believe?

The Aztecs Believed in all kinds of diffrent gods and godesses

What did the Aztecs believe were the gods responsibilities?

The Aztecs believed the gods responsibilities were to control every aspect of their world and give signs on how to live.

Do Aztecs believe in god?

yes, the Aztecs believed in many gods. They built ziggurats for the gods. On top of each ziggurat there were many shrines

Who did the Aztecs believe in?

The Aztecs believed in many different gods, including Tenochtitlan, the sun god, and the war god.

What did the Aztecs believe was cause of illness?

They believed in supernatural causes involving the displeasure of Gods

What did the Aztecs sacrifice?

The Aztecs sacrificed other human beings hearts, as an offering to the gods for giving the Aztecs the sun. The Aztecs believed that the sun was created by the gods sacrificing themselves to make the sun. So, the Aztecs believe that they have to repay the god with human hearts, or blood.

How many gods did the ancient Aztecs have?

The Aztecs had over 1000 Gods

Approximately how many gods did the Aztecs have?

The Aztecs had over 1000 Gods

What were the names of the gods the Aztecs worshiped?


Who did the Aztecs believe had built Teotihuacan?

The Aztecs believed that the ancient city of Teotihuacan was built by the gods. They revered Teotihuacan as a sacred place of great importance in their cosmology.

How did the Aztecs worship in there gods?

The Aztecs worshiped their gods by sacrificing people(even children)

How did the Aztecs try and please their gods?

The Aztecs sacrificed slave and volunteers to please their gods