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Yes, indeed it did. Black Death stopped all of international trades.

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Q: Did the Black Death lead to disruption of trade?
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What did black death lead to?

Lead to? The Black Death (bubonic plague) led to death in a very large percentage of cases. Death is the final sayonara. What it "leads to" is an area for spiritual conjecture.

What was the social effect of black death?

Black Death lead to social changes. such as less influence by church.

How did the black death affect servants in Europe?

Black Death forced them to revolt. This lead to major social and economical changes.

What was the black deaths effect socially?

Black Death lead to social changes. such as less influence by church.

What lead to the collapse of the feudal system in England in the 1300's?

The black death

How did the Black Death lead to the decline of the fuedal system?

Alot of people started dying

How did the Black Death spread from China?

After the black death hit China, It spread to England by trade, and the Asian sailors. In England, one the rats had died, the fleas would spread, and get to people. The people would then have black spots on their bodies. A common way of trying to cure this disease was by cutting open veins that lead to your heart. Thanks, hope i helped, A

Good thing that happen because of the black death?

It took a long time, but the loss of population in Europe caused by the Black Death lead to a labor shortage, a greater interest in labor saving devices, and eventually to the Industrial Revolution.

Does smoking lead to death?

it leads to lung cancer, which may lead to death.

Did the black death happen in the high middle ages?

If when you talk about the high Middle Ages you mean towards the end then yes because the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) brought the people to notice that they need cleaner environments. Which Lead to the Renaissances.

What was the impact of the black death on the people's attitudes towards life?

the black death was a fatal disease but it also brout the people together and helped people get jobs.

How were wages or pay affected by the Black Death?

Black Death caused people to panic. It caused them to work at even lower wages in order to get food.