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Q: Did the Cheyenne Indians invent hoop rolling?
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What do the Cheyenne do in their free time?

The Cheyenne people threw darts in a hoop and alot of other nature games.

What do Cheyenne Indians do for fun?

the cheyenne indians were a key tribe that many settlers payed to have them help the settlers cross the river. the cheyenne also were a key trading tribe in the months near the end

What was the game played with a hula hoop and a stick and you used the stick to push the hula hoop?

It's called hoop rolling.

How do you play rolling hoops?

get a hoop and roll it with a stick

What did Richard knerr invent?

the hula hoop and frisbee.

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What is the top amount of people that could play hoop rolling?

How much people can play hoop and stick

Why did ArthurKMelin want to invent the hula hoop?

to make kids more entertained

How would you play Rolling the Hoop in Colonial times?

You use a stick and try to roll a hoop for as long as you can.

Which will have the greater rolling down an incline- a hoop or a solid disk?

The disk because it has a lower moment of inertia for a given mass.

What is the most popular sport played by the Cheyenne people?

The most popular sport played by the Cheyenne people is :Monshismount, chungke', nehiyaw ma tow we na, hoop and pole game , and much more. check it out on google and type in what is the most popular sport played by the cheyenne people and click on the 3rd choice and you can find more.The most popular sport played by the Cheyenne people is :Monshismount, chungke', nehiyaw ma tow we na, hoop and pole game , and much more. check it out on google and type in what is the most popular sport played by the cheyenne people and click on the 3rd choice and you can find more.

What did the cheyenne tribe do for fun?

they had fun danced and cooked and sung ect