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Q: Did the Egyptian people have a reason to hold grudge against King Tut when he came to power what why not?
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Can someone turn into a grudge for no reason?

No, Not really the grudge is just a fictional horror character in the ju-on series, Because basically a grudge means that you start a fight with someone for no reason. So no you cannot become the grudge.

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the reason is because

Main reason for the fall of Egyptian empire?

The people were too interested in their religion

Being angry and holding a grudge are against which commandment?

Being angry & holding a grudge violates the Commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself". Also, Jesus Himself said to love our enemies. It isn't a Commandment of God but it is divine advice. Furthermore, when we hold a grudge it is because we have failed to forgive for some reason, isn't it? Christ said to forgive 70 X 7 and that if we did not forgive, we ourselves will not be forgiven by the Heavenly Father.

What is the psychological reason for why it is easier for some people to forgive while others hold grudges?

I don't know if it is psychological or anything, but some people are just more mature than others. The person who holds a grudge just plain needs to grow up! Or they have always been spoiled and have gotten what they have wanted and will hold a grudge until the other person forgives them. As for the person who forgives, they are just more mature and know that life is too short to hold a grudge.

Why did more people not protest against Nazi actions?

the main reason is that they did not want to.

Why were the Egyptian gods important to the ancient egyptians?

Gods were important to Ancient Egyptians for the same reason God is important to people today

Why were Egyptian gods so important to egyptians?

Gods were important to Ancient Egyptians for the same reason God is important to people today

If someone is holding a grudge against you could they let go of it if you sincerely apologize to them?

Probably. Try it out! Say you are really sorry and give a good reason as to why you did what you did to annoy them. Also say its your fault but could you be friends / not enemies again? (if it doesn't work ignore and avoid them)

How can you tell if people hate you?

They usually try to hurt you for no reason and they turn others against you.

Is there a scientific reason how they made the pyramids?

No it was purely egyptian religion