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Today the Hatshepsut sent me to were the scribes work. All he asked me to do was get a document. The scribes write in hieroglyphics. They write books and documents and some other things. Scribes were hired as professional writers and recorders of information. Few people can write or know how to read, so scribes are specially trained to write letters and keep accounts. I have no idea what the document was, but I had no time to find out.

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The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians are mostly the Coptic Egyptians, as the rest of the Egyptians are Arabs who came from what is now called Saudi Arabia. Since Ancient Egyptians were neither Arabs nor did they speak Arabic, most modern Egyptians have no connection to the Ancient Egyptians since they're Arabs.

Who were the Egyptians?

The Egyptians were people who came from Egypt.

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Are Ancient Egyptians named after their gods?

No, Ancient Egyptians were not named after their gods. The names of Ancient Egyptians were typically based on various factors such as social status, family lineage, or personal characteristics. The gods in Ancient Egyptian religion often had distinct names and were worshiped separately from the individuals.

What race were the Egyptians?

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Where does nearly all Egyptians live?

Egyptians live in Egypt because egyptians have the word egypt.

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Egyptians have lived in Egypt for hundreds of thousand of years.

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the first sea traders were the egyptians the first sea traders were the egyptians