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The Greeks gave the Trojans the Trojan horse. After the Trojans accepted their gift, the men hiding inside the horse opened the gates to the previously-impregnable Trojan walls. This enabled the rest of the Greek army to enter unimpeded and slaughter the Trojans inside. Receiving the Trojan horse caused the defeat of the Trojan army.

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Q: Did the Greeks or the trojans give the Trojan horse?
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Did the Trojans give the Trojan Horse to the Greeks as a gift?

The Trojans gave a hallow wooden horse filled with soldiers the Greeks as a "Gift", but in the night the soldiers came out of the horse and successfully seized the city.

How did the Trojan horse lead the Greeks to victory?

The Greeks pretended to give up and sent the Trojan horse a gift to Trojans to show their defeat. However, they actually had a plan. Inside the horse hid the Greek's army. When the Trojans celebrated victory and fell asleep, the Greeks crept out at night and burnt and destroyed Troy.

Mythical merry making man-horse?

Equuleus, the "little horse," or maybe Pegasus, the winged horse. In mythology, Equuleus is associated with the horse Celeris, sometimes called a foal of Pegasus and sometimes a brother of Pegasus. Maybe also: * Sagittarius, the archer, depicted as a centaur. * Auriga, the charioteer * Centaurus, the centaur See

Why are some computer viruses called Trojans?

Hidden malicious programs (most are not viruses) are called "Trojans" from the story of the Trojan Horse, from the war between Greece and the city of Troy, as written in Virgil's Aeneidand referenced in Homer's The Odyssey. The trojan horse was a threat masquerading as a gift. Similarly, trojan programs seem innocuous, but are designed to damage your computer or use it for harmful purposes.---In the Trojan War, one side was the Greeks and the other was the people from Troy. They were fighting for this beautiful queen, Helen, wife of Menelaus. Eventually the Greeks saw that the Trojans were winning the war, so they devised a very clever plan: they would create a giant wooden horse (because the Trojans worshiped horses) and then leave it behind as they left, pretending to give up. The wooden horse would be a peace offering. The Trojans accepted it, took it into the city walls, and then they partied at night and got drunk. After the Trojans were sleeping, Greek soldiers hiding inside the hollow wooden horse got out and opened the city gates of Troy to let their much larger army inside. Because the Trojans were caught off guard and drunk, they had no choice but to surrender and the Greeks won the war.Trojan Horse programs work in the same way. They disguise themselves as legitimate programs or files. When you accept to download them, they infect your computer and run malicious processes in the background without you knowing. They often really do have the program that you intended to download, but they also come with a virus or something else to corrupt your computer. Hence the name, Trojan Horse or Trojan.

Who warned the Trojans not to take the wooden horse?

The Trojans were not warned of the horse. In fact, they were deceived into believing the horse to be a gift from the defeated Greeks. Sinon, the deceiver, pretended to be angry. He claimed his fellow Greeks had deserted him when they left Troy. In fact, the Greeks had merely pretended to leave Troy in an attempt to trick the Trojans into a sense of false security. The plan worked. After the Trojans brought the horse within the walls of the city, the Greeks needed only to wait for the cover of darkness to attack from within the city.

What does 'Beware Greeks bearing gifts' come from?

If you have ever studied mythology, this should be familiar to you. This is just a recap. The Trojan War was between Greeks and Trojans. The Greeks gave the Trojans a big, wooden horse that was hollow inside and could hold 30 armed men inside the body of the horse. The Trojans then pulled the horse inside the city. When night fell, the Greeks came out and attacked the unsuspecting and drunk Trojans. This is what "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" means. The phrase is from the Aeneid , Laocoon is trying to warn his fellow Trojans it may be a trap and in so many words warns against trusting the Greeks (in the ancient world the Greeks were notoriously sneaky) But all accepted references aside, "beware of Greek bearing gifts" may have actually come from the Bible. This reference may have originally come in the gospels of Mark, Luke referencing the "antichrist"

What is the solution of the Trojan War?

Troy offered to give Helen back, but the Greeks wanted also the treasure she had looted and taken with her. The Trojans were quite willing to give the woman back, but not the treasure, so the solution required the capture of Troy.

What is the subject of the lliad?

Homer's epic tale about the Iliad is all about how Paris ( Troy Prince ) abducted Helen, who was actually Menelaus's wife ( King of Sparta .) It is mainly about how The Greeks start a war because they want Helen back, but Paris will not give her back. In the end the Greeks create a wooden horse and hide all their warriors in it. The Trojans think that it is a gift from them and they want to end the war, and they start dancing and singing and celebrating. At night the Greek warriors jump out and burn down Troy.

Does Internet Explorer give you Trojans?

All Browsers can get a Trojan on your Computer, But IE is not very safe, Chrome or Firefox are much faster and safer against a Virus or Trojan.

What is the summary of the Trojan War Horse?

The Trojan Horse was the symbol of the Trojan War. This war started as a quarrel as which goddess was the most beautiful. The goddesses were Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. One day, a golden apple saying, To The Most Beautiful Goddess, arrived at Olympus where the gods and goddesses lived. None of the male gods wanted to judge which goddess was more beautiful than the other so Zeus, the king of Olympus, looked down to the mortal world and picked a random shepherd called Paris to judge instead. Paris found it very hard to judge who was more beautiful as the goddesses were all very beautiful. The goddesses offered Paris gifts if he would choose them. Hera offered power and ruling of Asia, Aphrodite a true love, and Athena, wisdom in all battles. Paris chose Aphrodite. Basically, a gorgeous princess inGreece called Helen fell in love with Paris but her husband, Menelaus was outraged. The 2 couple escaped to Troy, Paris' town but by then, Menelaus had declared war on Troy. The war lasted for many years as the walls of the city was strong and Menelaus would not give up on Helen. This is where the Trojan Horse comes in the story. A clever soldier fighting for Greece, Odysseus thought of an idea guided by Athena. Odysseus made a large, empty wooden horse enough to hold many men. The Greeks pretended to surrender and left Troy that night. However, they left the large horse in Troy. When the Trojans came out to look at the horse,Sinon, aGreek soldiercame to the Trojans and begged for mercy. He told them that the Greeks had left him behind, which they hadn't of course and said this. The Greeks has given up on Helen and now returned to their country but made a wooden horse for Athena. The Greeks knew that the Trojans would give the horse to Athena themselves to get Athena's blessing. So they did. At night, the soldiers in the horse crept out and attacked the city. The Trojans lost in the end.

What was the height of the Trojan horse?

The Trojan horse was 30 meters high. (60 feet high)

What happened because the Trojans asked Paris to give Helen back?

The Trojans offered Helen back but the Greeks also, more importantly wanted back the treasure she had taken from Sparta when she ran off with Paris. The Trojans were happy to give Helen back but baulked at handing back the treasure, so the fight went on.