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Q: Did the Guptas figured out the earth was round by observing lunar eclipses?
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Did The Gupta figured out the earth was round by observing lunar eclipses.?

That's for you to figure out.

What two important astronomical discoveries did the Guptas make?

The Guptas discovered that the earth is round and that it spins on an axis.

How did the Guptas figured out the earth was round?

The Gupta Empire astronomers proved the earth was round by studying the moon during a lunar eclipse. They noticed that the earths shadow on the moon was round, meaning that the earth itself was round.

What are the kinds of eclipses?

On earth there are 2 eclipses, Lunar and Solar eclipses

How are solar eclipses alike from lunar eclipses?

All eclipses are shadows. A solar eclipse is the Moon's shadow on the Earth. A lunar eclipse is the Earth's shadow on the Moon.

What other eclipse is there?

Earth has lunar eclipses and solar eclipses. Both can be partial or complete.

Where did the first solar eclipse occur?

Solar eclipses are caused by the shadow of the Moon hitting the Earth. Solar eclipses happen on the Earth.

Why do you observe solar and lunar eclipses?

because of our location on earth so depending on where we are on earth you can see a total or partial solar and lunar eclipses

Are all parts of the earth affected by eclipses?

Solar eclipses are visible only for a small portion of the Earth's surface where the moon covers the sun. Lunar eclipses in which the Earth's shadow covers the moon are visible for long distances but it's the color of the moon effected by those not the Earth.

What is the same about solar eclipse and lunar eclipses?

The thing that is the same is that the same three bodies are lined up. In lunar eclipses, the order is Sun, Earth, Moon and in solar eclipses, it's Sun, Moon, Earth.

How are moon phases associated with solar and lunar eclipses?

Moon phases and lunar eclipses both deal with the earth. They are deal with both the sun and the earth.

How are a lunar eclipse and a new moon alike?

Te moon eclipses the sun and the earth eclipses the moon