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Yes Ham survived the trip. Watch on YouTube:

The Story Of Ham: 1st Chimp In Space

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Q: Did the Ham the Chimp also called Ham the Astrochimp survive his trip to space and where can you find a picture of him?
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Is a chimp called El chimp in Spanish?

No 'el chimpancé' would be 'the chimp' 'un chimpancé' would be 'a chimp'

How does a baby Chimp survive?

it is nursed by its mother just like humans.

Why is Chimchar called Chimchar?

It is a chimp pokemon, chimp + 'char', to burn.

Does a chimp have a family?

Yes,it is called a Troop

What is the nickname for Baboons?

I think a group of baboons is called a "congress" seriously!!

What is a chimp expert called?

primeatologist= the study of apes

What is a common ancestror?

a chimp called lolo who wears a hat

What role did chimpanzees play in the moon landing?

In the early stages of space travel a chimp was sent to find out if humans to can survive.

Did Michael Jackson have a pet chimp?

Yes, he's called Bubbles.

What is the dominant chimp called?

The dominant figure is always the "alpha" male.

What are chimpanzee baby name?

it is simply called a baby chimp or an infant

Why did they call a chimp a chimp?

The word chimp is a shortened version of "Chimpanzee"