

Did the Holocaust end before or after Hitler died?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The Holocaust (and World War 2) ended a few days after Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945.

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Q: Did the Holocaust end before or after Hitler died?
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nothing, he died before the end of the war.

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They died because of the concentration camps that Hitler and his Nazi group put them in.

How did Holocaust murders end?

Hitler killed himself, gg

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Hitler died before the end of World War 2.

What do we mean when we talk about the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is that period of Jewish oppresion that lasted from Hitler's becoming the Chancellor of Germany until the end of WWII.

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No one person helped the Holocaust end. The fall of Hitler helped a lot and when Germany surrendered to the Allies in the end, all Jews, homosexuals, and other people Hitler hated were free from harm. Just message me if you need more info about this!

What did Hitler gain from the Holocaust?

In the end he didn't gain anything because he committed suicide.

Did Hitler die before or after world war 2?

Hitler died a couple of weeks after world war 1. He shot him self and bit on a a poision pill. Adolf Hitler did not die he commited suicide. It was on April 30th, 1945 Adolf Hitler shot himself with a pistol. He had a suicide pact with his wife that she would take a pill and he would shoot himself. They did this because they didnt want enemies to have the joy of killing Hitler.

How did Hitler's life end?

he died.

When did the Holocaust start in denmark and when did the the Holocaust end?

In Denmark it started in 1939. But the whole holocaust ended in 1945 It ended at the end of WWII Because the nazis were defeated due to war they were defeated by russia and the U.S they were called the allies And thats when hitler died in 1945 Which is also when the germans decided to surrender and let all the people go in the consentration camps and stuff (:

Why did Adolf Hitler's holocaust come to an end in 1945?

The persecution stopped because the Nazis were no longer in power.

Did Adolph Hitler invent mw2?

Ummmmm, no, Infinity Ward invented MW2. Hitler died shortly before the end of WW2. He was considered a primary cause of WW2.