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Q: Did the Kansas Nebraska act do to the Whig party?
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Which Act led to the disintegration of the Whig Party?

kansas nebraska act

Which was most responsible for the breakup of the Whig Party?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Political party that was deeply divided by Douglas Kansas-Nebraska Act.?

The Whig Party

Political party that was deeply divided by douglas's kansas-nebraska act?

The Whig Party

What political party fell apart during the kansas-nebraska act?

The Whig Party

Why did the kansas-nebraska act hurt the whig party?

It made slavery a central issue. It split the party into two factions.

What two government actions undid the Missouri compromise?

The passage of the Kansas - Nebraska Act effectively made the last Missouri Compromise a mute one. It is said to have broken up the Whig Party into the new Republican Party and the Know Nothing party.

What caused the end of the US Whig party?

Most historians cite the passage of the Kansas - Nebraska Act to have caused the collapse of the US political party known as the Whigs. The Whigs split off into the Republican Party and the Know - Nothing Party.

What was the Republican Party's stance on the Kansas-Nebraska act?

They opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act because they were against the expansion of slavery into new states.

What political party was formed because of the kansas-nebraska act?

The Republican Party

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act not do?

Decreased the strength of the Republican Party

Lincoln became a Republican after leaving which party?

The Whig Party (whose final collapse was the result of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 - since Southern Whigs joined the Democrats in supporting it, but Northern Whigs opposed it)