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Q: Did the Puritans play a large role in shaping the culture of the US?
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What role did puritans play in running the country?

they sat on their bums and died.

What role did puritans play in the country?

Promoting the idea that slavery was ungodly - while Southerners claimed it was a perfect God-given arrangement of man and master.

All parts of the federal bureaucracy share which characteristic?

They play a role in shaping how the executive branch implements federal policies - apex

how has the development of mass media influenced the American culture?

Mass media has had a tremendous impact on American culture. - Mass media unified the countries culture, now, a person in California can see the same shows and people as a person in New York or Texas. -It has eroded local culture- with the rise of mass media and an overall pop culture, some people began to lose interest in the local customs and traditions of their region. - It has eroded faith in the government and established institutions- Before, people's opinions of the government had been largely based on what the government and the people around them were telling them. Now every time the government gets caught in a scandal it is quickly broadcasted to every person in America. - It has displaced traditional forms of entertainment- Now Americans often go see a movie or watch tv instead of going to see a play.

How does an economy play a large role in the form of government a nation in use?

Economies can be completely controlled to entirely benefit the government, such as communism or dictatorships. Or the economy can be free will, like capitalism, which will prosper the people and businesses

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Large media companies influence global culture through the content they produce and distribute, such as movies, music, and television shows, which reach audiences worldwide. They shape trends, preferences, and values through their reach and influence. By shaping what is popular and trending, these companies play a significant role in shaping the global culture that emerges.

Is human behavior more a result of culture or of heredity?

Human behavior is influenced by both culture and heredity. While genetics play a role in shaping certain traits and tendencies, culture, upbringing, and environment also have a significant impact on shaping behavior. It is a complex interplay between nature and nurture that contributes to human behavior.

What are three important institutions in your culture besides family and education?

Three important institutions in my culture are government, religion, and healthcare. These institutions play significant roles in shaping society, providing essential services, and maintaining order and stability.

How do group values or culture influence strategy making?

Group values and culture can influence strategy making by shaping the goals and priorities of the organization. A shared set of values can guide decision-making and help alignment towards common objectives. Culture can also impact how strategies are developed and implemented, as communication styles, decision-making processes, and organizational norms all play a role in shaping strategic initiatives.

How does culture affect a authors writing?

Culture influences an author's writing by shaping their worldview, beliefs, values, and experiences, which in turn can impact the themes, characters, settings, and language in their work. Cultural norms and traditions also play a role in shaping the context in which the author creates their writing, influencing the overall tone and message of their work.

What couldn't puritans do?

Puritans believed that anything fun was banned You couldn't play sports, listens to music, dance, or drink because it was 'sinful'. The miserable puritans even banned Christmas.

What is the role of multinational corporations in shaping and diffusing social norms in youth culture?

Multinational corporations play a significant role in shaping and diffusing social norms in youth culture through their marketing strategies, product placement, and sponsorship of events that target young audiences. By promoting certain values, behaviors, and lifestyles, these corporations influence how youth perceive themselves and their place in society, ultimately contributing to the construction of social norms within youth culture.

What type of culture does china have?

China has a collectivist culture that emphasizes group harmony and interdependence. Confucian values such as respect for authority, hierarchy, and filial piety play a significant role in shaping Chinese society. Additionally, Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on maintaining "face" and building relationships based on trust and reciprocity.

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