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No, it sank because of an iceberg.

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Why did the titanic not not sink?

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Why did the Titanic sink into the sea?

Because it hit an iceberg

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Why did the iceberg make the titanic sink?

Because the Titanic hit the iceberg and the berg ripped a hole in its hull.

Which ship hit an iceburg?

The Titanic. The Titanic sank because when it hit the iceburg it started to sink which makes it extremely dangerous for ships to hit an iceburg. The captain I think said that the Titanic will never sink but it did.

What harbour did the Titanic sink?

Titanic did not sink in any harbour, she was lost in the ocean.

What happened inside the titanic that caused it to sink?

Because they're crabby :-)

Why was the sink of the titanic such a disaster?

Because Leonardo Di Caprio died!! :'(

Did the titanic sink cos of the metal?

no it's because it hit an iceberg not because of the metal

Why did people didn't worry when they were on the Titanic?

Because they thought the Titanic was truly unsinkable.

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Did the Titanic really sink because of the curse of Amen-Ra?

The Titanic sank because the iceberg it hit ripped a great big gash in the side of it.