

Which ship hit an iceburg

Updated: 11/3/2022
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13y ago

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The Titanic. The Titanic sank because when it hit the iceburg it started to sink which makes it extremely dangerous for ships to hit an iceburg. The captain I think said that the Titanic will never sink but it did.

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13y ago
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Q: Which ship hit an iceburg
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Why did the Titanic sink according to the film?

The ship hit an iceburg.

Who spoted the iceburg before the titanic hit it?

Fred Fleet spotted the iceburg that the Titanic hit.

How did the iceburg sink the titanic ship?

The iceburg made a hole in the sip and water started to leek in the ship then it got filled with water and it split in 2

What time was it when the Titanic hit the iceburg?

Titanic hit the iceburg at 11:40pm on the 14th April 1912.

Can you show me the real story of titanic for kids?

They had no idea that there even was an iceburg ahead and the ship hit and let in water that caused the Titanic to sink

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It wasn't so much a "who" but a "what". The ship hit a iceburg which created a hole in the side under the water line. It turns out that the steel the ship was made out of was not good and the metal shattered like glass when it hit the ice.

Why didn't the Titanic turn in time before it hit the iceburg?

By the time it had been spotted it was too late i.e. the ship was directly on a collision course with it.

How the titanic sink?

It hit an iceburg.

What happend when the titanic hit the ice burg?

Well the iceburg scrapped across the ship so then it put holes in the walls, and it started flooding, thus sank.

Where was the Titanic when it hit the iceburg?

north Atlantic

What part of titanic hit the iceburg?

The hull

What happened when the Titanic hit the iceburg?

it sank!