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The Greeks got into the city (by means of the Trojan horse) and burnt it.

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Q: Did the Trojans lose the Trojan war if so how?
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What race are the Trojans in the Trojan War?

The city of Troy was in Greece, so the Trojans would be Greek.

Why was the Trojan war held in Troy?

Trojans were citizens of Troy, so their fighting there against invaders is no accident.

Was Paris a good guy in Greek mythology?

That depends, he was a Trojan during the Trojan War. He killed Achilles, the greatest Greek warrior there. So, to the Trojans he was good but to the Greeks he was bad.

What happened with the Trojan war?

The Greeks built a huge wooden horse, and the Trojans brought it into their city. Then at night, when the Trojans were sound asleep, the Greeks came out of the horse and destroyed the city. So to sum it all up, the Trojans lost.

Who won the war in the Trojan war?

The Greeks won by using a giant hollow wooden horse with Greeks inside to get inside the Trojans defenses so they could open the gates

Did troy or the Greeks win the Trojan war?

According to Homer's epics, the Greeks won the Trojan war by using a wooden horse, all of the soldiers climbed into it, so when the Trojans brought it into their city, the Greeks clambered out in the middle of the night and ambushed the city.

Why do the Achaeans took so long to defeat the Trojans?

We do not know much about the actual timing of the Trojan War, so this will focus on what is written in The Iliad and The Odyssey. The first issue is that the beachhead was difficult for the Greeks to take. The ground was strongly sloped and the Trojans had the high-ground. The second major issues is that Ancient Greeks did not have sophisticated siege weaponry, which meant that it was effectively impossible for them to breach the Trojan Walls surrounding the city until Odysseus came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse, which allowed for the Trojans to "self-breach" the city walls.

Is it true The Trojan war was fought between the minoans and the Dorians about 1200 BC?

of course not the war was fought between basically the spartans and the trojans. I'm not really sure so check out the greek myth

Why will Helen lose no matter who wins the Trojan war?

Because Paris dies any way and so does his husband

How do the Greeks win the Trojan war?

The Greeks won by making a huge wooden horse and offering it to the trojans as a gift but had a lot of troops in it so when the trojans took it in and went to sleep and the Greeks popped out and killed them all. P.S. plan made by Odysseus

Was Helen on the Greek or Trojan side?

Helen was taken by the Trojans from Greece so she was probably on the Greeks side

Who was the whistle-blower for the Trojan Horse?

The Trojan whistleblower was Laocoon. He was the Trojan that was not fooled by the "gift horse," so he tried to blow his whistle as a warning to his fellow Trojans that it was a trap. It was ignored, and the Trojan Horse led to the fall of Troy.