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The Article of Confederation gave more power to the state government than the national government because the national government had few powers, because many Americans were afraid that a strong government would lead to tyranny, or oppressive rule.

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12y ago

at first , most Americans found it difficuilt to think of their new confederation as a true union. the articles were an attempt to create national government that's would unite 13 very diverse colonies. although the new government had little strength thomas jeffeson regaurded it as a model the best government existing or what did exist

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12y ago

Yes. In fact it is one of the primary reasons it failed. The states could regulate trade, make their own laws, conduct foreign trade as they wished, and coin their own money. Consequentially, they acted as independent nations.

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10y ago

why did the Articles of Confederation give most power to the states

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Roselyn Morejon

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3y ago
find out yourself you lazy bum!

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11y ago


It even went to the extent to where each state could print its own currency causing minor inflation.

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the articles of federation gave the states too much power, and the national government lacked the power to tax the states, enforce laws, and judge them. the constitution remedied this, by giving national government more power

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Each individual state

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The Articles of Confederation created a loose union of the States. Each state was essentially independent. There was no real Federal Government under the Articles. Nearly all business of government was conducted by the states, including taxation and defense.

What did the Articles of Confederation give rise to?

the articles of confederation was weak

Did the articles of confederations give too much power to the central government?

Just the opposite. The Articles of Confederation gave an inordinate amount of power to the states, even to the extent that they could each print their own money.

A major problem with the articles of confederation was that the document?

Did not give congress the power to tax

The main problem with the Articles of Confederation was that they?

Did not give the national government enough power