


Articles of Confederation

Created on November 15, 1777, the Articles of Confederation was the United States’ first constitution, which provided the rules for the operation of the US government. It was replaced by the United States Constitution in 1788.

1,935 Questions

What is the geography of the Articles of Confederation?

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The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of independent states without a strong central government. The states had greater power than the federal government, leading to issues with unity and national defense. This setup contributed to economic and political challenges during the period following the Revolutionary War.

Article about was anatomy is a difficult subject?

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Anatomy is considered a challenging subject due to the vast amount of information and terminology that students need to memorize. Additionally, understanding the complex relationship between different body systems and structures requires a strong foundation in biology and physiology. The hands-on nature of anatomy, such as dissections, also adds to the difficulty as it requires precision and attention to detail.

Where is power concentrated in a confederation?

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Power is typically concentrated at the regional or state level in a confederation system, with member states retaining a high degree of autonomy and authority. The central or federal government in a confederation usually has limited powers, with most decision-making authority lying with the individual states or regions.

How many amendments were ratified under the old Articles of Confederation?

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Only one amendment was ratified under the old Articles of Confederation. It was the 13th Amendment, which addressed the apportionment of taxes based on land values.

What is the definition of the framers of the Articles of Confederation?

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The Framers of the Articles of Confederation were the delegates who drafted and adopted the Articles of Confederation, which served as the first constitution of the United States from 1781 to 1789. These Framers included leaders such as John Dickinson, John Hanson, and Thomas McKean, among others. They aimed to create a loose confederation of states with a weak central government, reflecting the fear of centralized authority that emerged from the American Revolutionary War.

How many houses does the legislative branch have in the articles of confederation?

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The Articles of Confederation did not create a legislative branch with multiple houses. Instead, it established a unicameral legislature where each state had an equal vote, regardless of size or population.

Why were the articles of confederation written the way the document was written?

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The Articles of Confederation were written the way they were to create a weak central government and give most of the power to the individual states. This was a reaction to the strong central authority of the British government prior to the American Revolution, and a desire to prevent a similar concentration of power in the new government. However, this system ultimately proved to be ineffective in governing the country, leading to the creation of the Constitution.

Who is the man over there carrying a umbrella she asked what are the two articles?

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The man over there carrying an umbrella is the person she is referring to. The two articles in her question are "a" and "an," which are both indefinite articles used before singular nouns to indicate a non-specific item or person.

What Cain of experience did united states had with the articles of confederation?

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The United States had a challenging experience with the Articles of Confederation. The central government was weak and lacked the power to effectively govern the country. It faced difficulties in areas such as revenue collection, defense, and interstate commerce, which ultimately led to the drafting and ratification of the Constitution to create a stronger federal government.

Gow was the government under the articles of confederation set up?

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Asked by TeresaHerreragp6476

Under the Articles of Confederation, the government was set up as a weak central authority with most power residing in the individual states. There was a unicameral Congress as the national legislature, where each state had one vote. However, there was no executive branch or judiciary, limiting the ability to enforce laws and make binding decisions. Additionally, the central government lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or enforce national laws effectively.

When did Confederation of Madya-as end?

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The Confederation of Madya-as ended in 1569 when it was conquered by Spanish forces led by Miguel López de Legazpi.

How did the Articles of confederation make the value of money confusing?

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Asked by Heavenly1616

The Articles of Confederation gave individual states the power to issue their own currency, which led to a lack of uniformity. Each state had different types of currency with varying values, making it difficult to determine the worth of money when conducting interstate trade. This confusion undermined the stability and reliability of the currency system under the Articles of Confederation.

What states took the lead in changing the government Due to the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?

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The states that took the lead in advocating for a change in government due to the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation were Virginia and Massachusetts. Virginia was the first to call for a convention to revise the Articles, which eventually led to the Constitutional Convention. Massachusetts also played a significant role by proposing a series of reforms to address the weaknesses in the existing government.

How was the plan of government outlined by the Articles of Confederation supposed to help the 13 new states?

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The Articles of Confederation aimed to create a decentralized form of government that protected the independence of the 13 new states. It intended to provide each state with equal representation and allow them to retain their sovereignty. The plan sought to unite the states for common defense and economic cooperation, while also preventing a strong central government that could potentially threaten the individual states' liberties.

Where can one find articles about corporate giveaways?

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One can find articles about corporate giveaways on various business and marketing websites, industry-specific publications, and news outlets. Some popular sources include Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc., and Business Insider. Additionally, conducting a simple internet search using keywords like "corporate giveaways" or "promotional products" will yield numerous articles and resources on the topic.

An articles about the sales of drugs?

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The sales of drugs is a complex and multifaceted issue. It involves both legal pharmaceutical drugs and illicit substances. The pharmaceutical industry generates billions of dollars in sales each year, driven by the demand for medications for various health conditions. On the other hand, the illegal drug trade is a massive global industry that fuels violence, addiction, and countless societal problems. Both legal and illegal drug sales have significant economic, social, and ethical implications.

Did the Articles of Confederation govern the US from the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

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No, the Articles of Confederation were not adopted until 1781, several years after the Revolutionary War began in 1775. During the early years of the war, the 13 colonies operated under a Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. The Articles of Confederation served as the first constitution of the United States until they were replaced by the Constitution in 1789.

The most significant change from the Articles of Confederation to the US Constitution was the?

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strengthening of the federal government. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government with limited powers, while the Constitution established a stronger central government with the ability to tax, regulate commerce, and raise an army. This shift was necessary to address the shortcomings of the Articles and provide a more effective framework for governing the country.

What event was led by angry farmers and exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

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Shays' Rebellion, led by angry farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. These farmers were protesting against high taxes and debt, resulting from economic hardships after the Revolutionary War. The rebellion highlighted the inability of the federal government under the Articles to effectively address economic issues and maintain law and order, ultimately contributing to the push for a stronger centralized government under the U.S. Constitution.

What might happen if a state did not like a law passed by Congress in the Articles of Confederation?

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States were not obligated to do anything that Congress asked under the Articles. Congress had no power to force the states to do anything.

What does the articles of confederatioon mean?

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The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution of the United States, adopted in 1777 and ratified in 1781. It established a weak central government with limited powers, granting most authority to the individual states. However, it ultimately proved ineffective in governing the nation, leading to the adoption of the Constitution in 1787.

Where was the most power centered under the Articles of Confederation?

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Under the Articles of Confederation, the most power was centered in the individual states. The federal government was weak and had limited authority, with no power to tax, regulate trade, or enforce laws. This decentralized power structure resulted in a lack of cohesion and effectiveness in governing the newly formed United States.

How do you use Articles of Confederation in a sentence?

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The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States, granting limited powers to the central government and allowing more power to be retained by the individual states.

What important measure passed down by the Articles of Confederation addressing slavery and established a process for statehood?

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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was the important measure passed down by the Articles of Confederation that addressed slavery and established a process for statehood. It prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory and outlined a process for admitting new states to the Union.

The Articles of Confederation created a central government that was?

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weak and had limited powers. Under the Articles, there was no executive branch and Congress had limited authority to enforce laws or regulate commerce. This lack of central power led to difficulties in governing the country effectively, ultimately prompting the need for the Constitution and a stronger federal government.