


Articles of Confederation

Created on November 15, 1777, the Articles of Confederation was the United States’ first constitution, which provided the rules for the operation of the US government. It was replaced by the United States Constitution in 1788.

500 Questions

Why were the American articles confederation ineffective?

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The articles did not include the power to tax by A1

Who had more power under the articles the national government or the states?

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the national gov. had too much power in some areas and the states had to much power in others. for example, the states had the power to print their own currency, which led to confusion for travelers because they had to stop and trade one states coins for anothers.

How did the Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

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It allowed congress to do things they the couldn't when they had the Articles of Confederation around. Such as raise taxes and have natural rights.

What was the structure of the government set up the articles of confederation?

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In the Articles of Confederation, states would be equally represented in the new governing body and the funds depended on size.

1) the Continental army was placed under the control of Congress.

2) Each state was given the power to levy it's own currency, making intrastate trade nearly impossible.

3)The state governments were given more power than the federal government.

4) The Larger states had more power and representation in congress, which was probably the most signifcant fault of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

5) Also very significant, Congress was denied the ability to collect Taxes or Regulate Trade.

6) The state governments had each obtained individual debts during the war. Many larger states incurred a much higher debt, while smaller states incurred a lower debt. As more power rested in the hands of the larger states, who had a greater population, the larger states could easily vote for the assumption of state debt, which would require all the states to pay for a single states' debt rather than that state paying off the debt alone.

There are many other things that resulted in the weak government set up after the articles. The government could best be described in political terms as a Representative Democracy, or a Republic, but then again that is what our current system is also labeled.

What were some reasons for the opposition to the Articles of Confederation?

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The Articles of Confederation was the name given to the agreement made by the 13 original states of the United States. The main reason for opposition was that it required the states to give up any claims they had to lands further west. Some also felt that the Articles were too weak to make the United States effective, as there was nothing in the document about governance in terms of who would be president and how the judicial system would be handled.

What is the strength and weakness of the articles of confederation?

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Weakness: states had more power than the central government, they congress could not form an army

Strengnth: first unified government after the revolution

How did the articles of confederation reflect the ideals states in the Declaration of Independence?

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It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the us constitution overcome the weaknesses of the articles of the confederation and provide for the organization of the new government?

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The Articles of Confederation had several weaknesses. As a result, a new plan of government, the Constitution, was written to clear up the weaknesses. Under the Articles of Confederation, there were many things the federal government couldn't do. It couldn't tax, make trade treaties, resolve disputes between states, keep order, and pay its debts. To help solve these issues, the writers of the Constitution created a federal government with three branches. Each branch had distinct powers to carry out its responsibilities. Additionally, the government had the ability to create an army. This army could be used to keep order at home as well as fight wars with other countries if needed. The Articles of Confederation can't be criticized for being a weak government because it was set up to be a weak government.

However, the Constitution was much better, in part because the writers of the Constitution learned from the past mistakes that were made. They also included an amendment process to correct future problems that might arise. The Constitution was written, in part, to correct the mistakes and resolve the issues that existed in the Articles of Confederation.

What happened during confederation?

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shallen shot dexter

'Under the articles of confederation the power to declare war and negotiate peace rested with the?

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central government had the power to declare war and negotiate peace

What were the problems with the Articles of Confederation?

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1) Under the Articles there was only a unicameral legislature so that there was no separation of powers.

2) The central government under the Articles was too weak since the majority of the power rested with the states.

3) Congress, under the Articles, did not have the power to tax which meant that they could never put their finances in order.

4) In order to change or amend the Articles, unanimous approval of the states was required which essentially meant that changes to the Articles were impossible.

5) For any major laws to pass they had to be approved by 9 or the 13 states which proved difficult to do so that even the normal business of running a government was difficult.

6) Under the Articles, Congress did not have the power to regulate commerce which will cause competition between states as well as diplomatic issues

Under the Articles of Confederation the relationship between the thirteen states was?

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To join to fight the British. So they had to become one, if they wanted freedom.

When did Maryland ratify the Articles of Confederation?

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The Articles of Confederation were created by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, They were not ratified, however, until March 1, 1781.

Who wanted to revise the Articles of Confederation?

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No, but he contributed. The Articles were written by a committee of the Second Continental Congress between June 12, 1776 and July 1777. The committee was chaired by John Dickinson of Philadelphia, who in 1777 relocated to Delaware and was later both the President (governor) of Delaware and the President (governor) of Pennsylvania.

Did James Wilson want to get rid of the Articles of Confederation?

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He did not Ike it I can tell you that. He was a man with federalist ideals, and pushed for a strong central government, which the confederation did not supply.

What is article 9 about from the Articles of Confederation?

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legislative, executive, judicial, relations between the states, national supremacy, and ratification

What power did the central government have both under the Articles of Confederation and The Constitution?

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under tha Articles of Confederation, the federal government had little to no power. they could not control taxes and there was no president. The reason was that the early Founders did not want an overly powerful gvt.

Why did the founders replace the articles of confederation?

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The US did not have an actual national government under the Articles, which retained the sovereignty of the states and required them to cooperate in practically every aspect. This was always difficult and sometimes impossible. There was no executive except the President of Congress, no standing military, and no unified system of courts. The framers decided that the nation needed a stronger unifying force, and the weaknesses of the Articles had already vexed them for more than 7 years.

Did federalists support the Articles of Confederation?

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John Rutledge participated in the articles of confederation. He was from South Carolina so he supported the south and all of their decisions. In one of the arguments, he believed that slaves and Whites should be counted together when figuring the population for purposes of representation. When the question was asked: should the nationally legislature have the power to control trade and the slave trade? he was part of the south so he feared that the national legislature might place export duties on their crops, interfere with slave trade, and make commercial treaties favoring the north. He also helped make the constitution and signed it also.