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Sometimes the baby would get evacuated with his mother or close family.

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Q: Did the babies stay with their mothers during evacuations of World War II?
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Related questions

What were the World War 2 evacuations?

The evacuations done during World War 2 were mostly in Britain and involved the citizens that lived in the towns. Children, particularly, were put on trains and sent to live in the country away from the threat of falling bombs until wars end.

How commonly does HIV occur around the world?

It effects people who have sexual intercorse and mothers who breast fead their babies.

Term used for babies born during World War 2?

War babies.

Can babies see the outside world while they are in their mothers belly?

No, they cannot physically see until about 3 days after birth.

What did the mothers do during World War 1?

Mothers in World War I helped in the factories, were nurses, or stayed home with the children and grew food in victory gardens.

What were the lives of mothers in Britain during World War 2?

Kinda stupid

What if your mother is an important in your life?

Mothers are very important to the lives of everyone. They gave birth to us and took care of us ever since we were just babies, up to now. Otherwise, if there were no mothers, we will not be existing in this world.

How long did the children have to practice evacuations for World War 2?

evrey 4 hrs a day

How were mothers with infants treated during World War 2?

The Nazis did not tolerate babies. They simply took the mother and the child and killed them. They were either thrown in a pile of bodies or burned. The tragic thing was that many of the Jews and others were raped, impregnated and then later killed. Some brave women did try to hide babies but babies simply cannot be quiet. They would be discovered and reap the consequences.

Did babies get ration books during World War 2?

yes they have it in world war 2

What is a personal account of a familys experience during World War 2?

he had babies and drank milk he had babies and drank milk

What Nestle could have done to avoid accusation of killing third world babies?

If Nestle did not push their product in nations where water safety is an issue, the whole thing could have been avoided. By telling mothers that their formula is healthier, they are causing mothers not to breastfeed. when the water is not purified, babies are at risk. They are not at risk bc breastmilk is safe.