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Q: Did the benefits of being a knight outweigh the drawbacks?
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If you are currently being homeschooled, and you want to have your mom continue, one must see all the benefits of homeschooling. The best way to continue is to excel and prove that the benefits outweigh the negatives.

What are the drawbacks of creating a website?

The biggest drawbacks to creating a website are:time (to build the site and add content)money (hosting, design costs, SEO, etc)maintenance (updating of the site)growth / logistics (more sales = more work, more staff, etc.)privacy (you must provide contact information viewable to anyone, and aspects of your business will be exposed to your competitors). Keep in mind that everything you post has the potential of being used to track you, market to you, or used to build a portfolio about you, such as relationships, orientation, culture, political and religious views.For most companies and individuals, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

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The benefits:- Even though your group consists of a lot of people, you are united through your background. This is pretty good for some.- You know each other well.- Communication skills.The drawbacks:- You don't learn about other cultures.- You might feel isolated. - Your communication skills are strained.

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Because mediastinoscopy is a surgical procedure, it should only be performed when the benefits of the exam's findings outweigh the risks of surgery and anesthesia.

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The drawbacks of being a Special Forces operator is: gone alot, high possibility of being wounded/injured/killed, sometimes cant tell your familiy where you are.

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There was no disgrace. It was always an honour to be a knight.

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