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yes, it certainly did. In Mongol army camps rats died and spread Black Death.

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Q: Did the black death come from rats?
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Related questions

What insect carried the black death?

The Black Death was spread by fleas which lived on black rats.

Where comes from the black death?

the black death was carried by fleas that were on rats and the rats were on boats and they were carried over

Where and how did the rats get the black death?

It was carried by the fleas that lived on the rats.

Why was the black death caused?


Who were the culprits of the black death?

The rats

How they caught the black death?

Black death was caught by rats that came on the ships of vikings. The disease actually comes from the ticks on the rats.

How caryd the black death?

Fleas on the backs of rats carried the black death.

Who speaded the black death?

The Black Death was spread by fleas and rats. ik..gross

Who carried the black death to Europe?

No one did it was rats that carried black death (plague)

How the black death was really caught?

Black Diseased Rats

What spread black death?

rats infestation or spread of bubonic plague from rats.

What animal and insect transported the black death from Central Asia to Western Europe during the 13th century?

Black Death was transported by rats. Especially black rats spread it.