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The bombing of Pearl Harbor forced the Japanese to surrender only in the sense that in caused the US to enter the war against Japan.

It is likely that the resources brought against Japan by the US were a primary cause of Japanese surrender and would not have been brought to bear if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor and the other US positions in the Pacific.

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Q: Did the bombing of Pearl Harbor force the Japanese to surrender?
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Did the bombing of Pearl Harbor cause the Japanese to surrender?

No. The bombing of Pearl Harbor caused the US to enter the war against Japan.

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

In what year was the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

The surprise attack and bombing by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, took place on December 7th, 1941.

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December 7, 1941

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The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor because they thought we where not ready of war.

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The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.

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The Japanese NAVY's goal was the elimination of the US Battle Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese ARMY was not involved.

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There was no compremise; the Japanese attacked, and then withdrew.

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