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No. The Bubonic Plague is currently endemic among certain varieties of rats in under developed regions of China.

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Q: Did the bubonic plague only affect humans?
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Does the black death affect only Africans?

Not at all. In fact, it wiped out most of medieval Europe. The Black Death is another name for the Bubonic Plague.

An outbreak has hit the community the only noticeable pattern so far is that first patients own outdoor dogs and cats wich have died It is suspected that fleas delivered to their owners What type?

It is possible that the fleas have transmitted the bubonic plague to humans. The plague is easily transmitted from infected rats to humans through fleas.

How the bubonic plague spread?

It was spread by fleas, who normally host on rats, yet in some cases, they used humans as a host, and thus started the plague. It cannot be spread from human to human; only way is for the flea to infect you.

How do animals get the bubonic plague?

There are three kinds of plague. The most commonly known is the bubonic plague, it's from the fleas that live on rats. People only really get it if they share an environment with rats. Septicemic plague, which is in the blood, also comes from those fleas. Pneumonic plague is spread in the cough droplets of people who have it--people who get this kind of plague usually die within 2 days of contracting it.

Would it be unlikely for the bubonic plague to occur in todays society?

no, because of modern science, it would only kill Mexicans and Arabs

Why were the theatres repeatedly shut during Shakespeare's life?

During outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague all the theaters in London would be ordered to shut down. The chances of surviving the plague were only 50%.

What is the differents between hivaid and bubonic plague?

They're two completely different diseases. About the only similarity is that a lot of people die/died from them.

Did quarantine cure bubonic plague in the middle ages?

Quarantining someone only kept the virus from spreading, it did not purge the plague virus from their bodies. They would have most definitely died.

Was the bubonic plague caused by rat excrement?

No. Bubonic plague is transmitted by fleas carried by infected rats or people. The pathogen is typically carried by rodents. In the case of the waves of plague that ravaged Europe and the Mid-East in the middle ages, it was carried by rats and other infected humans.The disease you may be confusing bubonic plague with could be cholera which is transmitted by contamination of water by an infected person's feces.Answer:No, it was caused by rats, but not their excrete. the bubonic plague and pneumonic plague were started by rats who jumped off a ship that had come from countries infected with the plague. It wasn't actually the rats that started it, either. fleas travelled in the dirty hairs of the rats and then flourished in the grime and unhygienic areas near London. The plague spread quickly throughout England and Ireland, and only a small part of Scotland was not affected. 1 in 3 people died, altogether. Many towns and villages were quarantined to stop the plague spreading.

Was the bubonic plague the most violent sickness in the world?

No, I mean it only killed like 1/3 of Europes population. No big deal right?

How scared was William Shakespeare of the Bubonic Plague?

very scared as you would be if your 2 sisters, 2 of your brothers and your only son were dying around you from the disease.

What was the cure in the black death?

There was only a cure available for the bubonic plague, (one of the plgaues of the two plagues of the black death), the main cure which in some cases worked was to pop the boils which were side affects of the plague and letting the puss out would somehow eliminate the plague from the body.