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Q: Did the city of Havana belong to the US after the Spanish American war?
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What country whose capital is havana and whose major language spanish?

Cuba is the country with Havana as its capital and Spanish as its major language.

Is Havana a city?

Havana is the capital city of Cuba.

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Costa Rica is a Central American country.

Cuba city is it the capital of Cuba?

No the capital of the country of Cuba is Havana or in spanish La Habana.

What is the capital of havana?

Havana is a city, it does not have a capital. However, Havana is itself the capital of the country of Cuba.

What is the biggest town in Cuba?

Havana is the biggest city, followed by Santiago de Cuba

Is Havana a name of a city?

It is the capital city of the nation of Cuba.

Havana city is located in which country?

There are many Havana cities in the U.S., but the most popular Havana city is located in Cuba. Havana is the capital and most populous city in Cuba.

What is the capital of the largest city in Havana?

Havana is the capital and largest city of Cuba.

What is cuba's capital city in English?

English: Havana Spanish: La Habana In Spanish you say Cuba's capitol like 'La Habana' but in English you say it like 'Havana'. Remember Spanish has a 'v' and English has a 'b'. Don't forget to put the 'la' in front of Habana when used in Spanish, if necessary.

What. Is. The. Capital. Of. Cuba?

The capital of Cuba is La Habana(Havana).Havana is the capital and largest city of Cuba.