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Q: Did the civil rights movement ever came to Miami?
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Which famous civil right leaders came from Maine?

Gerald Talbot was a famous civil rights leader from Maine. He attended the civil rights march on Washington, DC in August, 1963, as the leader of the Maine Civil Rights movement.

How did the civil rights movement affect the gay rights movement?

The language of the civil rights movement has been used to fight the opposition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. The civil rights movement did not directly affect the gay rights movement, but it did influence some on how they could make their secret open and accepted by others. This eventually became known as Gay Liberation. It may sound similar to Women Liberation, the movement where women wanted rights to vote, get abortions, and have the same pay as men. Another term, Gay Power, originally came from the term Black Power which was part of the civil rights movement.

Who led the African American civil rigjt leader?

Martin Luther King was the civil rights leader in the movement. He came to prominence with the bus boycott.

What does the phrase domino-effect mean as it pertain to the Civil Rights Movement?

if you place domino's side by side and then knock one over, they all fall over. (domino effect) So you have the Civil Rights Movement and now explain what came about because of it.

Why did the plebeians rebel against the patricians in 494 bce?

The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.

What was the purpose of Civil Rights Movement?

The purpose of the Civil Rights Movement was to end racial segregation and for African-Americans to get equal treatment as everyone else.Also Robert Parris Moses came in the picture and would teach kids and teens math and science so they could have knowledge.

Why was it called the civil rights movement?

Civil Rights are the rights of citizens to vote, to receive equal treatment before the law, and to share equally with other citizens the benefits of public facilities, such as schools. There were certain minority groups in the US, like Native Americans, African- Americans, and Hispanics, that were not receiving equal treatment when it came to their civil rights. The modern day Civil Rights movement was an attempt by those groups, led by African-Americans on the most part, to acquire those rights that belong to all citizens.

What democratic came from the Romans?

civil rights

What democratic ideal came from the Roman?

civil rights

Why did Johnson support the civil rights amendments?

He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What kind of trouble came after the civil war?

Blacks had rights...