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No, they didn't.

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Q: Did the colonists still have to pay taxes for tea after the Boston tea party?
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Was there a king in the Boston tea party?

No, what are you talking about? The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion of the colonists against England and their taxes.

the Boston Tea Party happened because colonists were outraged by what?


How did the colonists protest taxes?

Well all sorts of way, but i would have you look up the Boston tea party.

How did the colonists get punished after the Boston Tea Party?

The British closed the Port of Boston for a period of time, and increased taxes.

What did colonists do to let British parliament know they were against new taxes?

The Boston Tea Party.

What is after the Boston tea party?

The purpose for the Boston tea party is that the colonists wanted their own rights and that brittain people were charging too much taxes!

Why did Britain enter the war?

Because the colonists did not like paying the taxes and because of the Boston Tea Party

Did Britain Enter the war?

Because the colonists did not like paying the taxes and because of the Boston Tea Party

What series of event linked the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

What is a site of a massacre and a tea party?

Boston, the Boston tea party when colonists rebeled against taxes they dumped tea into the harbor and the Boston Massacre when British soldiers shot and killed 5 colonists because they were calling them mean things and throwing snowballs at them.

Is the Boston Tea Party a success or failure?

•The Boston Tea Party was considered successful and a failure because the king lowered taxes but right after it started a war.

What did the townshend act require colonists to do?

The Townshend Acts required the colonists to pay taxes without their consent. This taxes were placed upon the Colonies by Britain. The colonists were perturbed over these taxes, resulting in such things like the Boston Tea Party in attempts to rebel against these taxes.