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1923-1932 Union member ship dropped because President Hoover was anti-union. However from 1933-1939 Union membership grew because FDR was pro-union and the New Deal supported union membership.

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Q: Did the great depression lead to a decrease in labor union membership?
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Did hoover freeze wages during the Great Depression?

President Hoover created pro labor policies during the Great Depression. The labor policies that were created froze wages and increased production.

What year did Child Labor begin during the Great Depression?

1700 and it wasnt during the victorina era

What did labor unions change during the great depression?

Working conditions and unpaid wages.

What effect did the prosperity of the 1920s have on labor unions?

Labor unions saw membership decline.

When did US experiences of labor shortage?

Right now, during the Great Depression, and many other times.

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American Labor did not make great progress during the 1930's. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s.

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American federation of labor limited its membership to skilled craft union.

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no, it all resulted in the stock market crash

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The turning point of the Great Depression is when people had no where to live and support their families.

What are the pro- Union Legislative acts that grew out of the great depression?

The Wagner Act (The National Labor Relations Act of 1935)

How did laborers response to the great depression?

A million and a half labor workers took part in two thousand strikes that year.

What labor organizations flourished under depression conditions and new deal sponsorship?

Organized labor grew, during the Depression. The CIO (Congress of Industrial Organization) split from the AFL (American Federation of Labor) and many American workers joined unions and membership continued to increase during the Great Depression.