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the weakness was that he couldnt fight cause he was cool

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Q: Did the greek god Neptune have any weaknesses?
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2. Jupiter and Pluto. BTW, Neptune is not a greek god, he is roman. The greek god for Neptune is Poseiden.

Was Neptune a Greek god?

No. Neptune is the Roman god of the sea. His Greek counterpart is Poseidon.

Which roman god is Neptune named after?

The god is Neptune, king of the sea. But Neptune is not greek. The god of the sea in greek mythology is Poseidon. But Neptune it actually a roman god :P The Roman god Neptune is the same as the Greek god Poseidon, just with a different name. But the planet Neptune is named after the Roman version, not the Greek.

Name The God Of The Seas?

Neptune was the god of water and the sea. His Greek equivalent was Poseidon.

Roman name is Neptune What is the greek name for Neptune?

The greek name for Neptune is Poseidon, the greek god of the sea.

Which god is Neptune named after?

Neptune is the Roman god of the sea. He is "named" after the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. Neptune is also the name of a planet in the solar system.

What is the myth of Neptune the planet?

Neptune is also known as Poisiden, he is the Greek god of the sea and is also brother of Zeus the god of the sky. According to Greek and Roman mythology. So the planet Neptune is named after a ancient God.

Roman god name for Neptune?

neptune is the roman god. the greek god is Poseidon.

Which planet was named for the Greek god of the sea?

The planet Neptune was named for the Roman god of water and the seas.In the original Greek language, from whence this Roman god was taken, his name was Poisedon.

Is Neptune Greek?

Neptune is the God of the Sea in Roman. In Greek, he's Poseidon.

What is the greek god of neptune?

it isnt a greek god. it is a roman god of sea.