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Evidence suggests that Homo erectus may have cared for the sick and elderly. The discovery of individuals with severe disabilities surviving for extended periods indicates possible acts of care and support within their communities. However, the extent and nature of this care remain uncertain.

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Q: Did the homo erectus take care of the sick?
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What was the size of homo erectus community?

Estimates vary, but it is believed that Homo erectus lived in small communities of around 20-50 individuals. These communities likely consisted of family groups or bands that worked together to hunt, gather food, and take care of one another.

What was Homo erectus?

Homo erectus was an ancient human ancestor that lived between 1.89 million and 143,000 years ago. They were known for their advanced tool-making abilities and for being the first hominin species to migrate out of Africa. Homo erectus is believed to be an important link between earlier hominin species and modern humans.

What does the Homo Heidelbergensis look like?

Homo heidelbergensis were early humans who lived approximately 600,000 to 200,000 years ago. They had a large brain size, similar to modern humans, and robust facial features. They were likely tall and had a sturdy build.

What will be the next developed species on the earth after homo sapiens sapiensor it is the last stage of development?

It is difficult to predict the next developed species after Homo sapiens sapiens. Evolution is a complex process influenced by various factors, so it is uncertain what form future species may take. Homo sapiens sapiens may not necessarily be the last stage of development, as evolution is an ongoing and dynamic phenomenon.

What did homo sapiens neandrethalis look like?

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis were a species of archaic humans who lived between 400,000 and 40,000 years ago. They had a robust build, shorter stature, prominent brow ridges, and large noses. They also had a larger brain capacity compared to modern humans.

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