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Q: Did the ice ages led to people migrating to all parts of the world?
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How old is people in the world?

all ages

How old would you be in 2017 if you graduated from high school in 1969?

The answer will depend on where you live. People finish high schools at different ages in different parts of the world.

What does His acts being seven ages mean?

Shakespeare, in this speech, has Jaques set up an extended metaphor. "All the world's a stage", he says, and what he means is that people's lives are like actors on the stage; they are "merely players" and play "many parts". Now, just after saying that a man plays many parts he says "his acts being seven ages". Acts are parts of a play, and ages can be viewed as parts of a lifetime. In each of these parts of his lifetime, Jaques says, the man plays a different part. And then he goes on to describe each one of them.

In the middle ages who did the people of east Africa trade with?

Persia, India, and other parts of Africa, and you mom

How many people sailed around the world in the middle ages and what are their names?

The first crew to sail around the world was the crew of Ferdinand Magellan, long after the Middle Ages.

What kind of people are the nomadic?

Nomadic People refer to people who have no permanent settlement, particularly mentioning those people that travel with the animals they hunt. While the common way during the Paleolithic Ages, Nomadic Herders and Peoples still live in many parts of the world, using Mongolia as an example.

Why did the people of the Renaissance feel people during the middle ages were ignorant?

The Renaissance means "rebirth" because learning, reading, thinking and growth was taking place after a 1000 years of the middle ages or "dark ages" where people didn't read, write, or think about the world.

Did people in the middle ages believe in the Easter bunny?

no if they did that would be the silliest thing in the world!

How many parts of time was the middle ages broken up into?

three parts

Who had power in the dark ages?

There was no single source of power for the Early Middle Ages. There were certain types of people who had great power, however, and these were often at odds with each other. They included: The emperor of the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire Kings of the Germanic Kingdoms, such as the Franks, Burgundians, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and Vandals The Pope Leaders of various migrating hordes

How did people know about the rest of the world in the middle ages?

they have been told by other people that came to each others land

How many people are there in the world between 1 and 18 ages?

As of current estimates, there are approximately 2.5 billion people in the world between the ages of 1 and 18. This age group represents a significant portion of the global population, with many residing in developing countries.