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Q: Did the manor system support feudalism?
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What is the feudalism is based on?

Manor system

How were feudalism and the manorial system interconnected?

The Manor lord was the ruler over his area and people. This is feudalism at it's best.

How did feudalism and the manor system affect nobility?

It improved Medieval European society.

What was the role of manor in feudalism?

The manor was the estate of a feudal lord.

A social and economic system where serfs were bound to a manor ruled by a lord is called?

Under Feudalism this system is called "Manorialism."

How did feudalism and the manor system help the European's survive viking raids?

because they were scared of african americans.

How did the hundred years war lead to the decline of feudalism?

The Hundred Years War did not cause the fall of feudalism. Feudalism continued to exist as a governing force. It weakened feudalism as an effective military technique. The English Longbow could fire a penetrating arrow into a suit of armor and through a shirt of chain mail. The basic unit of the feudal system had been the manor house. The serfs worked so the manor could support one knight in shining armor on horseback. The lord of the manor also paid taxes to support the next higher up level. The serfs, the manor house, and the taxes remained. The knight became useless.

What caused feudalism to decline?

The loss of serfs on the manor.

What obligations did peasant have to the lord of the manor?

relics of feudalism

Feudalism is based on?

the exchange of duties and rights between lords

What is the difference between manorilsim and feudalism?

Manorialism was an economic system centered around the manor, where peasants worked the land in exchange for protection and use of land, while feudalism was a political and social system based on the exchange of land for loyalty and military service. In manorialism, the focus was on agricultural production, while feudalism encompassed broader societal and political structures. Feudalism involved a hierarchy of lords, vassals, and serfs, while manorialism focused more on the relationship between lords and peasants on the manor.

What role did the feudal manor play in Western European society in the Middle Ages?

The Manor ade Feudalism possible